The Cold War: Origins 1943-1949

From GCSEPod

In the 1940s, the USA was communist and the USSR was capitalist. Is this statement true or false?
1 of 6
Who was the leader of the Soviet Union (the USSR) between the period 1943-1953?
2 of 6
The Marshall Plan was introduced in 1947. What was it?
An American plan to give economic aid to countries in Europe to help contain the spread of communism.
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Truman, the American president, created a new concept so as to stop communism spreading to other countries. What was this idea called?
4 of 6
Why did the Truman Doctrine increase the tension between East and West?
Truman's speech showed that the USA was willing to use economic and military power to prevent the spread of communism
5 of 6
Did the Berlin Blockade and Airlift happen before or after the USSR (Soviet Union) developed their own nuclear weapon?
The Berlin Blockade and Airlift happened before the USSR created a nuclear weapon
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Card 2


Who was the leader of the Soviet Union (the USSR) between the period 1943-1953?



Card 3


The Marshall Plan was introduced in 1947. What was it?


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Card 4


Truman, the American president, created a new concept so as to stop communism spreading to other countries. What was this idea called?


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Card 5


Why did the Truman Doctrine increase the tension between East and West?


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