The Cold War: Origins 1943-1949

From GCSEPod


1. Did the Berlin Blockade and Airlift happen before or after the USSR (Soviet Union) developed their own nuclear weapon?

  • The Berlin Blockade and Airlift happened before the USSR created a nuclear weapon
  • The Berlin Blockade and Airlift happened after the USSR created a nuclear weapon
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Other questions in this quiz

2. In the final years of the Second World War, there were three main conferences between the leaders of the 'Big Three' countries. Which of the following statements are true?

  • They all agreed that Germany should be harshly punished after the war + They agreed that Germany and Berlin would be divided into four temporary occupation zones
  • They agreed that Germany and Berlin would be divided into four temporary occupation zones + The final conference was in Potsdam
  • The final conference was in Potsdam + The leaders were the same at all three conferences
  • The leaders were the same at all three conferences + They all agreed that Germany should be harshly punished after the war

3. "The Berlin Blockade was important for the USA as it made them look stronger than the USSR." Which of the following statements could you use as the next sentences in your answer?

  • This was because Stalin had backed down rather than risking war + This is because the British and American air forces delivered essential and non-essential good to Berlin
  • This was because the USA had nuclear weapons which they could use if a war broke out + This was because the D-Day landings showcased the military might of the USA
  • This is because the British and American air forces delivered essential and non-essential goods to Berlin + This was because the USA had nuclear weapons which they could use if a war broke out
  • This was because the D-Day landings showcased the military might of the USA + This was because Stalin had backed down rather than risking war

4. Who was the leader of the Soviet Union (the USSR) between the period 1943-1953?

  • Stalin
  • Trotsky
  • Lenin
  • Khrushchev

5. Which of these statements outlines a short-term cause of the Berlin Blockade?

  • The USSR distrusted the capitalist West and wanted to take action
  • The Western Allies joined their zones into one zone, called Trizonia
  • The USA created a nuclear weapon which made the USSR feel threatened
  • The West had created NATO was a military alliance


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