The Cell Cycle and Life Cycles Revision.

  • Created by: ElishaG
  • Created on: 21-02-17 19:27
Describe the role of mitosis.
1)Makes genetically identical cells.2)Growth of tissues.3)Repair of tissues.4)Asexual reproduction.
1 of 24
What are the two main parts of the cell cycle?
Interphase and mitosis.
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What is interphase split into?
3 of 24
What occurs during G1 (Growth phase 1)?
1)Protein synthesis.2)Organelles replicate.3)ATP required.
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What occurs during S (Synthesis phase)?
1)DNA replication.2)ATP required.
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What occurs during G2 (Growth phase 2)?
1)Cell growth.
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What is mitosis split into?
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What is a homologous pair of chromosomes?
1)One maternal,one paternal.2)Carry same genes.3)Varied alleles.4)Usually same length.5)Centromere same position.
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Why must genetic material be replicated before mitosis?
1)Cells are genetically identical, have same DNA.2)Both daughter cells receive a full copy.
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Describe interphase.
1)DNA doubles,chromatids replicate by semi-conservative replication.2)Individual chromosomes invisible.3)Organelles replicate.4)Respiration rate increases, more ATP.5)Cell increases in size.
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What would interphase look like through a microscope?
Would be able to see nucleus and possibly nucleolus.
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Describe prophase.
1)Chromosomes condense and become visible.2)Centrioles move to opposite poles of cells.3)Spindle fibres form.4)Nuclear envelope disappears.
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What would prophase look like through a microscope?
Like worms in a circle.
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Describe metaphase.
1)Chromosomes align at equator of cell.2)Centromere attach to centiroles via spindle fibres.
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What would metaphase look like through a microscope?
Chromosomes in the Middle of cell.
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Describe anaphase.
1)Centromere splits.2)Sister chromatids pulled to opposite poles of cell.3)Spindle fibres contract and shorten.
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What would anaphase look like through a microscope?
Like spider (Arachnid) legs.
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Describe telophase.
1)Chromatids reach poles and become chromosomes.2)Chromosomes de-condense.3)Nuclear envelope reforms around two new nuclei.
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What would telophase look like through a microscope?
Two fist shaped objects, sometimes a faint line between them.
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Describe cytokinesis.
1)Individual chromosomes invisible.2)Cytoplasm constricts.3)Two genetically identical daughter cells formed.
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What would cytokinesis look like through a microscope?
Two individual cells.
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How does cell division in plants differ to animals?
1)Cell wall forms between new cells.2)Cytokineis starts from middle of cell.3)Only occurs in meristems/cambium cells.4)No centrioles.
22 of 24
How many chromosomes are there at the start of mitosis?
23 of 24
How many chromosomes are there in each new daughter cell?
24 of 24

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are the two main parts of the cell cycle?


Interphase and mitosis.

Card 3


What is interphase split into?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What occurs during G1 (Growth phase 1)?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What occurs during S (Synthesis phase)?


Preview of the front of card 5
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