the cardiovascular system

What are the 3 main components of the CV system?
Blood, Heart and the blood vessels.
1 of 17
What is the heart made up of?
Cardiac muscle tissue, the myocardium which is enclosed in 2 sacs which make up the pericardium. the innner myocardium is lined with smooth epithelium called the endocardium
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How is the heart supplied with oxygen?
by the right and the left coronary arteries and it is drainer by the cardiac veins.
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How many chambers does the mammalian heart have?
4 of 17
what are the 2 circuits that the heart pushes blood around?
pulmonary circulation (lungs), Systemic circulation (main body).
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which side of the heart is thicker?
the left side
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why is this?
so it can push blood around the main body circulation
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what are some factors that affect heart rate?
autonomic nervous system: Sympathetic (increases), parasympathetic (decreases), circulating chemicals (e.g. adrenaline), activity, temperature.
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how does the heart initiate a heart beat?
the Sinoatrial Node (SAN) .
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Where is this found?
which is found in the wall of the right atrium near the opening of the vena cava.
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how does the impulse caused by the SAN travel through out the heart?
the Atrioventriacular node (or bundle) (AVN) carries on the impulse. Fibres originating from the AVN form the Bundle of His. in the ventricular myocardium the fibres divide into 2 branches and then break up into fine fibres called the purkinje fibres
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what do the Purkinjie fibres do?
they convey electrical impulses to the apex from where a wave of ventricular contraction sweeps upwards and outwards, aloowing blood to be pumped into the pulmonary artery and the aorta.
12 of 17
label the diagram of the heart
make sure have all the labels in correct place and spelt correctly.
13 of 17
What are the 3 main types of blood vessels?
arteries, veins and capilleries.
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Describe the arteries:
Thick walls, transport blood away from the heart, no valves, transports oxygenated blood (mainly).
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Describe the veins:
Thin walls, transports blood towards the heart, carries de-oxygenated blood (mainly) and has valves to prevent back flow of blood.
16 of 17
Describe the capilleries:
very thin walls and found in body tissues.
17 of 17

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the heart made up of?


Cardiac muscle tissue, the myocardium which is enclosed in 2 sacs which make up the pericardium. the innner myocardium is lined with smooth epithelium called the endocardium

Card 3


How is the heart supplied with oxygen?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How many chambers does the mammalian heart have?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what are the 2 circuits that the heart pushes blood around?


Preview of the front of card 5
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