
  • Created by: libsd
  • Created on: 24-01-19 09:42
What are the predictive signs of pregnancy
Morning sickness 4-14 weeks, amenorrhea 4+weeks, change in breast3-4weeks, quickening 16-20weeks+, frequent urination 16-20weeks+
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Positive signs of pregnancy
HCG in blood 9-10days, HCG in urine 14days, softened isthmus 5-12weeks, chadwicks sign 8+weeks, pulsation of fornices 8weeks+. change in sking pigmentation 8weeks, braxton hicks 16 weeks, ballotment of fetus 16-28 weekss
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Definite signs of pregnancy
Transvaginal ultrasound visualisation of gestational sack 4-5weeks, transabdominal ustrasound of gestational sac 5.5weeks, transabdominal ultrasound of heart pulsation 6weeks, foetal heart dopler 11-12 weeks, fetal heart stephosocpe 20+weeks
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More definite signs
Palpable movements 22weeks, visible movements late pregnancy, fetal parts palpated 24+weeks, visualisation of fetus by xray 15weeks
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What is HCG
HCG is human chorionic gonadotrophin which is produced bu the trophoblast and acts to maintain pregnancy through corpus luteum. It influences fetal developemnet and sexual differentiation, stimulates placental progesterone. Detected in maternal blood
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Cardiovascular changes
heart enlarges and moves left, cardiac output increases, 33% blood volume increase, 50% plasma volume increase, haemodilution, heart rate increase, stroke volume increase WBC increase, platelets drop, clotting factors increase
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what happens to an ecg
left axis deviation of the QRS axis, non specific 3-t segment and t wave abnormalities
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95% systolic murmur, 20% soft diastolic murmur, 10% continuous murmur
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Respiratory changes
20% increase oxygen consumption, increased ventolation due to progesterone, hyperaemia narrows passages, vena cava compresssion
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Renal tract changes
Increased kidney size, sphincters relax, Renal calyces/pelvis and ureters dilate, 50-80% renal blood flow increase, increased excretion of glucose, sodium retetion due to progesterone, oestrogen increases angiotensin and renin production, reduced bla
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Gastrointestinal changes
Gastric displacement, increased salvation, relaxation of lower oesophageal sphincter, reduced motility in small intestine, reduced motility in large intestine, compressed colon
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Immune system changes
Increased B lymphocytes, decreased t lymphocytes, decreased lgG, increased lgD, 30% increase of neutrophils
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Reproductive changes
Amenorrhoea, uterine vasculate increases, hyperplasia and hypertrophy, cervical width increases, cervical mucosa increase, uterine ligaments soften,
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Uterus changes
50g to 1000g hypertrophy and hyperplasia, 20 weeks spherical thick wall, 30 weeks cylindrical thinner wall, cavity 5l,
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Vagina changes
chadwicks sign, acidic, increased discharge
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Cervix changes
Operculum, increased mass and width, odematous, 10% muscle fibres mostly gone by term, rippening of connectibe tissue, effacement, collegenase and elastase allow dilation,
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Breast changes
Enlarge, erect *******, lactiferous ducts and tubes increase due to oestrogen, secretory,
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CNS changes
Increased neurone size, fetal microchimeric cells
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SKin changes
Increased pigmentation, linea nigra, melama, spider naevi, palmar erythema, stria gravidarum
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Preparation of labour
increased cortisol and oestrogen, reduced progesteron, cervical ripening, increased gap junctions, increased oxcytocin receptors, increased prostaglandins
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Card 2


Positive signs of pregnancy


HCG in blood 9-10days, HCG in urine 14days, softened isthmus 5-12weeks, chadwicks sign 8+weeks, pulsation of fornices 8weeks+. change in sking pigmentation 8weeks, braxton hicks 16 weeks, ballotment of fetus 16-28 weekss

Card 3


Definite signs of pregnancy


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Card 4


More definite signs


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Card 5


What is HCG


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