The Brain

What is the brain made up of?
1 of 9
What is the function of the Cerebrum?
Conscious thought, reasoning, memory,emotion and language
2 of 9
What does an MRI scan do ?
Visualise internal structures and shows a constrast between soft tissues
3 of 9
what is the function of the Medulla
breathing, digestion and unconcious activities
4 of 9
What is the function of the cerebellum
Concious thoughts, reasoning, memory, emotion, language
5 of 9
What does the pituitary galnd do
secretes hormones
6 of 9
What does the Hypothalamus do
process information to and from the spinal cord, release hormones and regulate the body temperature
7 of 9
Why are brain disorders hard to treat?
the brain is delicate and easy to damage
8 of 9
Why are X rays not used on the brain
the idosized radiation can damage the cells in the brain and increase the liklihood of cancer developing
9 of 9

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Card 2


What is the function of the Cerebrum?


Conscious thought, reasoning, memory,emotion and language

Card 3


What does an MRI scan do ?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what is the function of the Medulla


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the function of the cerebellum


Preview of the front of card 5
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