the behaviourist approach

what behaviour does the behaviourist approach study
only interested in studying behaviour that can be observed
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who rejected introspection
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what did behaviourists try to maintain in their research
more objective and control
relied on lab studies
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what do behaviourists say about behaviour
all behaviour is learnt
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what is classical conditioning
learning through association
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who first researched classical conditioning
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explain pavlov's research
showed how dogs could be conditioned to salivate at the sound of a bell if the sound was repeatedly present at the same time they were given food
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stimulus before conditioning
food - unconditioned stimulus
salvation- unconditioned response
bell - neutral stimulus
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stimulus after conditioning
bell- conditioned stimulus
salvation- conditioned response
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what did pavlov show
how a neutral stimulus can come to elicit a conditioned response through association
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who researched operant conditioning
behaviour is shaped by its consequences
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who researched operant conditioning
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what is :
positive reinforcement
negative reinforcement
positive: receiving a reward
negative: avoiding something unpleasant and the outcome is a positive experience
punishment: an unpleasant consequence of behaviour
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what rienforces likelihood of behaviour and what decreases the likelihood of behaviour
positive and negative reinforcement increase the likelihood of a behaviour
punishment decreases the likelihood a behaviour will be repeated
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strength of the research
well controlled research
breaking down behaviour into stimulus-response allows a cause and affect relationship to be established
scientific credibility
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limitation of the behaviourist approach
may have oversimplified the learning process
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how have the principles of conditioning been applied to the real word
token economies such as prisons
they work by rewarding appropriate behaviour with a token that can be exchanged for privileges
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a further limitation
environmental determinism
skinner said that free will Is an illusion
ignores the influence of conscious decision making
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Card 2


who rejected introspection



Card 3


what did behaviourists try to maintain in their research


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Card 4


what do behaviourists say about behaviour


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Card 5


what is classical conditioning


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