Thatcher + Social Divisions Flashcards

  • Created by: tomtom11
  • Created on: 06-03-17 16:30
Thatcher + Social Divisions- How many seats, out of the 71 available seats, did the Tories win in Scotland in the years 1979, 1987, and 1997?
21 in 1979, 10 in 1987, and 0 in 1997.
1 of 9
Thatcher + Social Divisions- How many MPs were there in 2010 with uni degrees?
2 of 9
Thatcher + Social Divisions- How far did the background in legalities for MPs fall from 1974-1997?
70% in 1974, to 30% in 1997.
3 of 9
Thatcher + Social Divisions- Between 1979 and 2010, by how often did MPs previously work for a political organisation?
3% in 1979 to 14% in 2010.
4 of 9
Thatcher + Social Divisions- By how far did the income for the richest 10% increase by, and how low did the income for the poorest 10% fall by, in the years 1979-1992?
Richest 10% = increased by 61%. Poorest 10% = decreased by 18%
5 of 9
Thatcher + Social Divisions- How big did the proportion of pensioners living below the poverty line increase by?
6 of 9
Thatcher + Social Divisions- How many men in coalfields were unemployed by 1981?
7 of 9
Thatcher + Social Divisions- How many were unemployed in South Wales in 1979? By how far had this increase by 1986?
73,000 unemployed in 1979, and 166,000 unemployed by 1986.
8 of 9
Thatcher + Social Divisions- How many drug offences were recorded in Wales in 1990 compared to 1979?
1308 in 1990 compared to 605 in 1979.
9 of 9

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Card 2


Thatcher + Social Divisions- How many MPs were there in 2010 with uni degrees?



Card 3


Thatcher + Social Divisions- How far did the background in legalities for MPs fall from 1974-1997?


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Card 4


Thatcher + Social Divisions- Between 1979 and 2010, by how often did MPs previously work for a political organisation?


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Card 5


Thatcher + Social Divisions- By how far did the income for the richest 10% increase by, and how low did the income for the poorest 10% fall by, in the years 1979-1992?


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