Thatcher Miscalculations

  • Created by: AshyBoy
  • Created on: 29-11-18 19:38
Why could the by elections be attributed to Thatcher's fall?
March - The Conservatives lost Mid-Staffordshire where they previously held a 19,000 vote majority / October - Lost the Eastbourne seat to the LibDems (they had 20% over her) / November - Bootle & Bradford North
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What did she call the LibDems?
'dead parrot'
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What was one key mistake she made that got her to be forced to resign?
1990 April - The Poll Tax
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What was her opinion on the ERM and how did that hurt her?
1990 October - She did not want Britain to join the ERM but because she was in the tiny minority and was forced to join it in October
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Who was Nigel Lawson?
He was former Chancellor of the Exchequer until he resigned in 1989 over Thatcher not wanting to join the ERM
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Who resigned from office first and when?
1st November 1990 - Geoffrey Howe (Architect of Thatcherism, former Chancellor of the Exchequer and Foreign Minister) he gave a speech to the House of Commons which turned alot of MP's against Thatcher.
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Who was Micheal Heseltine?
He was ambitious and formed a leadership challenge after Howe's speech
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What happened after Thatcher won the first ballot?
Her cabinet told her that in the second ballot they wouldn't support her so she resigned
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Card 2


What did she call the LibDems?


'dead parrot'

Card 3


What was one key mistake she made that got her to be forced to resign?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What was her opinion on the ERM and how did that hurt her?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Who was Nigel Lawson?


Preview of the front of card 5
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