Other questions in this quiz

2. What is the flame test colour for potassium?

  • yellow
  • lilac
  • bright red
  • brick red
  • green

3. What is the flame test colour for calcium?

  • green
  • lilac
  • bright red
  • brick red
  • yellow

4. What is the flame test colour for lithium?

  • lilac
  • bright red
  • yellow
  • brick red
  • green

5. What is the test and result for carbonate ions?

  • dilute acid (e.g. hydrochloric acid) --> carbon dioxide gas is given off
  • strong acid (e.g. sulphuric acid) --> carbon dioxide gas is given off
  • dilute nitric acid --> yellow precipitate
  • hydrochloric acid + barium chloride solution --> orange precipitate
  • hydrochloric acid + barium chloride solution --> white precipitate


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