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6. What is the test and result for iodide ions?

  • dilute acid (e.g. hydrochloric acid) --> carbon dioxide gas is given off
  • dilute nitric acid +silver nitrate --> yellow precipitate
  • dilute nitric acid +silver nitrate --> cream precipitate
  • strong acid (e.g. sulphuric acid) --> carbon dioxide gas is given off
  • hydrochloric acid + barium chloride solution --> orange precipitate

7. What is the test and result for sulphate ions?

  • hydrochloric acid + barium chloride solution --> blue precipitate
  • dilute acid (e.g. hydrochloric acid) --> carbon dioxide gas is given of
  • hydrochloric acid + barium chloride solution --> white precipitate
  • dilute acid (e.g. hydrochloric acid) --> white precipitate
  • hydrochloric acid + barium chloride solution --> orange precipitate

8. What ion do you have present if a white precipitate is formed and does not dissolves when adding more sodium hydroxide to the solution?

  • Calcium or Magnesium
  • Aluminium
  • Silver
  • Zinc or Magnesium
  • Calcium

9. What is the test and result for nitrate ions?

  • sodium hydroxide + aluminium powder --> oxygen gas if given off
  • sodium hydroxide + carbondioxide gas if given off
  • sodium hydroxide + aluminium powder --> white precipitate
  • sodium hydroxide + aluminium powder --> ammonia gas if given off
  • silver suphate solution --> white precipitate

10. What coloured prcipitate do you get when mixing copper ions with sodium hydroxide?

  • redish brown
  • light blue
  • black
  • green - slowly turning brown
  • silver

11. What coloured prcipitate do you get when mixing iron ions with sodium hydroxide?

  • light blue
  • redish brown
  • green - slowly turning brown
  • black
  • silver

12. What coloured prcipitate do you get when mixing iron ions with sodium hydroxide?

  • green - slowly turning brown
  • silver
  • redish brown
  • light blue
  • black

13. What do you have to do and test for and with if no precipitate is formed when mixing the solution with sodium hydroxide?

  • hydrogen gas --> flame
  • add aluminium powder --> ammonia gas --> litmus paper
  • cool the solution --> ammonia gas --> litmus paper
  • warm the solution --> ammonia gas --> litmus paper
  • carbon dioxide --> lime water

14. What ion do you have present if a white precipitate is formed and dissolves when adding more sodium hydroxide to the solution?

  • Calcium
  • Zinc or Magnesium
  • Silver
  • Aluminium
  • Calcium or Magnesium

15. What is the test and result for chloride ions?

  • silver suphate solution --> white precipitate
  • silver suphate solution --> cream precipitate
  • nitric acid + silver nitrate solution --> white precipitate
  • silver nitrate solution --> yellow precipitate
  • sodium hydroxide + aluminium powder --> ammonia gas if given off