Tell me questions


1. Q: Open the bonnet and tell me how you’d check that the engine has sufficient engine coolant.

  • Check the minimum and maximum marks on the side of the tank when the engine is cold.
  • Check the minimum and maximum marks on the side of the tank when the engine is cold.
  • Check the minimum and maximum marks on the side of the tank when the engine is cold - top up with water and antifreeze mix.
  • Check the minimum and maximum marks on the side of the tank when the engine is cold.
1 of 6

Other questions in this quiz

2. Q: Tell me how you make sure your head restraint is correctly adjusted so it provides the best protection in the event of a crash.

  • Adjusted so that the rigid part is at the top of your ears or at eye level and close to the back of your head as comfortable.
  • Tell the examiner that it should be as low as possible.

3. Q: Tell me where you’d find the information for the recommended tyre pressures for this car and how tyre pressures should be checked.

  • The tyre should have a tread of no less than 1.6mm and I would check it with a tyre tread depth gauge.
  • Look in the car manual for the recommended tyre pressure - can be checked using a tyre pressure gauge when the tyres are cold.
  • I would kick the tyre and make sure its hard.

4. Q: Open the bonnet and tell me how you’d check that you have a safe level of hydraulic brake fluid.

  • Check the minimum and maximum marks on the side of the tank when the engine is cold.
  • Check the minimum and maximum marks on the side of the tank when the engine is cold.
  • Check the minimum and maximum marks on the side of the tank when the engine is cold - check the car manual for the right fluid to use.
  • Check the minimum and maximum marks on the side of the tank when the engine is cold.

5. Q: Open the bonnet and tell me how you’d check that the engine has sufficient oil.

  • Check the minimum and maximum marks on the side of the tank when the engine is cold.
  • Check the minimum and maximum marks on the side of the tank when the engine is cold.
  • Take out yellow dipstick, wipe it, put it back into the oil and check the oil level between the minimum and maximum marks on the dipstick.
  • Check the minimum and maximum marks on the side of the tank when the engine is cold.


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