

1. what are the things to think about when answering a 16mrk question?

  • nop, is the question unsupportive
  • reliability, what can you learn, do they support the Q, which supports the Q most?
  • no conclusion, only one paragraph, link to question
1 of 9

Other questions in this quiz

2. when was the first blood transfusion using blood types?

  • 1907
  • 1964
  • 1903

3. in what year were blood groups found?

  • 1900
  • 1766
  • 1923
  • 1894

4. who discovered carbolic acid?

  • lister in 1870-1880s
  • pasteur

5. which allowed blood to be stored, stopped from clotting and could separate blood cells?

  • citrate glucose solution, sodium citrate, crutial red blood cells
  • calcium chloride, magnesium, carbolic acid
  • bromine water, ice, a fridge


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