
  • Created by: LRisdon22
  • Created on: 20-06-16 18:46
What were the three problems with blood loss?
Clotting, availability and immune response.
1 of 21
What was the problem of immune response in blood transfusions?
The donors blood could make the patients red blood cells clump together.
2 of 21
Who discovered the different blood types?
Kare Landsteiner
3 of 21
When did Joseph Lister take charge of the ward in the Glasgow Royal Infirmary?
4 of 21
When did Lister discover carbolic acid?
5 of 21
When did Lister first test out carbolic acid?
6 of 21
When did Lister announce his ward to be sepsis free for nine months?
7 of 21
What was the chemical that stopped blood from clotting and who discovered this? (+date)
Sodium citrate by Richard Lewisohn in 1915.
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What did Richard Weil find?
That blood could be stored in refrigerated conditions.
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What was the chemical that allowed blood to be stored for longer and who discovered this? (+date)
Citrate glucose by Francis Rous and James Turner in 1916.
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What did Geoffrey Keynes invent?
A portable machine that stored blood for longer, for use on the battlefield.
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When was the first blood depot? During which Battle?
In 1917 during the battle of Cambria.
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What were the four objections to anaesthetics?
1. Religion (against Gods plan) 2. New and scary 3. Doctors felt it would be easier for their patient to die if they were unconscious 4. The number of those who died after surgery rose due to doctors opening up the body more.
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Who invented the x-ray and when?
Wilhelm Roentgen in 1895.
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Who invented the hypodermic needle and when?
Alexander Wood in 1853.
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When did James Simpson start using chloroform?
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Who invented the chloroform inhaler and when?
Dr John Snow in 1848.
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What did Humphery Davy discover and when?
Nitrous oxide (laughing gas) in 1799.
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When was ether discovered and who used it in the uk?
1846 and used by Robert Liston.
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What were the four problems with ether?
Vomiting, coughing, highly flammable, the deep sleep could last for days and it was highly flammable.
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What were the four problems with blood transfusions post war?
1. Blood groups sometimes got confused 2. The bottles that blood was stored in and the transfusion tubes were not always sterile. 3. Type O worked for all blood groups so were the only people hospitals used for donations. 4. Reluctant to change.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What was the problem of immune response in blood transfusions?


The donors blood could make the patients red blood cells clump together.

Card 3


Who discovered the different blood types?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


When did Joseph Lister take charge of the ward in the Glasgow Royal Infirmary?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


When did Lister discover carbolic acid?


Preview of the front of card 5
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