Surface Energy • Chemistry • Texture • Roughness

What is cohesive force in regards to liquids on the surface?
It is the attraction between the LIQUID MOLECULES.
1 of 8
What is adhesive force in regards to liquids on the surface?
It is the attraction between the LIQUID and the SUBSTRATE ATOMS.
2 of 8
If the cohesive force ia greater than the adhesive force what is the behavior of a liquid on a surface?
The drop of liquid on a surface remain in the form of a droplet
3 of 8
If the the adhesive force is greater than the cohesive force what is the behavior of a liquid on a surface?
The drop of liquid on a surface would spread out.
4 of 8
What is the contact angle?
The angle between the solid–liquid interface.
5 of 8
What are the two unknown parameters in Young's equation.
The surface energy and the solid–liquid interfacial tension.
6 of 8
What happens if the contact angle is equal to zero degrees.
Complete wetting of the surface.
7 of 8
What happens if the contact angle is equal to 180 degrees.
Non-wetting of the surface.
8 of 8

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Card 2


What is adhesive force in regards to liquids on the surface?


It is the attraction between the LIQUID and the SUBSTRATE ATOMS.

Card 3


If the cohesive force ia greater than the adhesive force what is the behavior of a liquid on a surface?


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Card 4


If the the adhesive force is greater than the cohesive force what is the behavior of a liquid on a surface?


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Card 5


What is the contact angle?


Preview of the front of card 5
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