Studyguide: An introduction to Brain and Behavior

  • Created by: Abi_xx
  • Created on: 01-02-18 15:05
Prefrontal Cortex
The anterior part of the frontal lobes of the brain. It is located in front of the motor and premotor areas. It has been implicated in planning complex cognitive, personlaity, expression, decision making and moderating correct social behaviour.
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The center of the nervous system in vertebrate and most invertebrates. It is protected by the skull.
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Autonomic Nervous System
Part of the Peripheral nervous system. Acts as a control system functioning below the level of consciousness and controls viseral functions. Affects heart rate, digestion, respiration, perspiration, salivation, pupil diameter, and arousal
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The Nervous System
Organ system containing a network of neurons that coordinate actions and transmit signals across the body. Made of the peripheral and central n.s. in most animals
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Cerebral Cortex
Sheet of neural tissue on the outermost of the cerebrum involved memory, attention, perceptual awareness, consciousness, language, and thought, It has up to 6 horizontal layers with different neuron and connectivity compositions.
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Electrically excitable cell that processes and transmits information by electrical and chemical signalling (synapses). Many specialised types, e.g. sensory, interneurones and motor.
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Glial Cells
Non-communication cells that maintain homeostasi, form myelin and provide support and protection for the neurones in the brain. Roughly one for every neurone in the human brain. Ratio of 2 neurones for 3 glial cells in cerebral grey matter.
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Central Nervous System
Comprised of the brain and spinal cord.
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Peripheral Nervous System
Comprised of nerve tissue located outside the brain and spinal cord. It connect the brain and spinal cord to the rest of the body.
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Glial cell that holds the neuron in place & provides nourishment as they are linked to the blood vessels. They help syncronise axon activity by wrapping around the presynaptic terminal and taking up chemicals the axon releases + clean up dead neurons
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Type of glial cell that works with the immune system to remove waste material, fungi and viruses from the brain.
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Type of glial cell that supports the axon, produces myelin coating in the central nervous system.
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Branched cellular extensions that receive the input information from other neurons.
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Contains the nucleus of the cell and integrates inputs received by the neuron.
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Long, tube structure, covered in a myelin coating that transports information from the soma to terminal buttons.
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Terminal Buttons
Communicate the information received from the axon to other neurons.
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Schwann cells
Prouduce myelin in the peripheral nervous system.
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Brain region involved in motor control, some cognitive functions (language + attention) and some emotional functions (fear regualtion + pleasure responses).
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Somatic Nervous System
Part of the P.N.S. & controls all voluntary muscular systms via the the skeletal muscles except the reflex arcs. Receives information from the senses. Consists of efferent nerves responsible for stimulating muscle contraction.
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Sympathetic Nervous System
A network of nerves that prepares the organs for rigorous activity. Increases heart rate, blood pressure, respiration etc.
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Parasympathetic Nervous System
Facilitates vegetative, nonemergency responses. Decreases the functions of the sympathetic system and is dormant during relaxed states.
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Towards the midline.
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Away from the midline. Towards the side
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Towards the back
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Towards the bottom
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Towards the front.
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Towards the top.
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Coronal Slice
Divides vertically, from top to bottom.
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Sagittal Slice
Divides down the middle, creating a left and a right side.
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Horizontal Slice
Divides into a superior and inferior half.
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White Matter
Mostly communication tracts covered in myelin (axons).
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Grey Matter
Cell bodies, myelinated and unmyelinated axons, glial cells (a+o), capillaries and dendrite. Makes up the cerebral cortex
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Frontal Lobe
Responsible for motor control and planning.
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Occiptial Lobe
Responsible for vision. The primary visual cortex is V1, and is located on the medial side of the lobe. V1 often continues onto the posterior pole of the occipital lobe.
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Temporal Lobe
Responsible for memory and hearing.
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Parietal Lobe
Responsible for touch, spatial representation and attention.
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Ridges in the brain.
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Dips in the brain.
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Basal Ganglia
Group of nuclei of varied origin in the brain that act as a cohesive functional unit. Strongly connected to the cerebral cortex, thalamus and other regions. Found at the base of the forebrain. Assosicated with a variety of functions.
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Visual Cortex
Part of the cerebral cortex responsible for processing visual informarion. Located in the occipital lobe in the back of the brain.
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Cerebral Hemisphere
One of the two regions of the brain. Each has an outer layer of grey matter (cerebral cortex) that is supported by an inner layer of white matter.
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Corpus Callosum
Wide, flat bundle of neural fibres beneath the cortex that connects the left and right hemispheres. It facilitates interhempisphreic communication. Largest white matter structure in the brain.
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Together with the diencephalon, make up the forebrain.
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Located below the thalamus, just above the brain stem, and is responsible for linking the nervous and endocrine system (via the pituitary gland) together. Contains a number of small muclei with a variety of functions.
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Pineal Gland
Small endocrine gland in the vertebrate brain. Produces melatonin and is located near the center of the brain, between 2 hemispheres.
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Almond shaped nuclei loacted deep within the medial temporal lobe. Perform the primary role in processing and memory of emotional reactions. Considered as part of the limbic system.
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Lateral Geniculate Nucleus
Primary processing center for visual information received from the retina of the eye. Found inside the thalamus making it part of the C.N.S. Receives information directly via the optic tract.
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Important in long term memory and spatial navigation. Located inside the medial temporal lobe.
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Somatosensory System
Comprises of receptors and processing centres to produce the sensory modalites (e.g. touch, pain, body position).
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Card 2


The center of the nervous system in vertebrate and most invertebrates. It is protected by the skull.



Card 3


Part of the Peripheral nervous system. Acts as a control system functioning below the level of consciousness and controls viseral functions. Affects heart rate, digestion, respiration, perspiration, salivation, pupil diameter, and arousal


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Card 4


Organ system containing a network of neurons that coordinate actions and transmit signals across the body. Made of the peripheral and central n.s. in most animals


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Card 5


Sheet of neural tissue on the outermost of the cerebrum involved memory, attention, perceptual awareness, consciousness, language, and thought, It has up to 6 horizontal layers with different neuron and connectivity compositions.


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