Special Education needs


1. What is Dyscalculia?

  • When a child can't use a calculator.
  • When a child struggles to understand how and why something is happening in that time.
  • A difficulty in performing arithmetical calculations and understanding number.
  • When a child does like to talk in front of other people.
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2. 3 things that are impacted by speech and language

  • Writing, building relationships and reading
  • Buying food, understanding you pet and support you parents

3. What is Dyslexia?

  • When a child get overwhelmed by loud noises.
  • A learning disability that affects a person ability to understand numbers.
  • A learning disability that affect the skill of reading, writing and spelling.
  • How a person communicates with other people.

4. What adjustment in the class room could you make for a EAL child?

  • Use table and grids to help organise there learning
  • Giving them short amount of time to respond to the question you have asked.
  • Shout at them until they understand
  • Only talking to them in English.

5. What is 3 thing a Autistic child could struggle with?

  • Doors, Light and tables.
  • Chairs, walls and tables
  • Light, sound and smells
  • Keeping there eyes open


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