Soil Formation and Constituents

  • Created by: exam yes
  • Created on: 01-05-19 14:06

1. What are the fractions/constituents that make up soil?

  • Air space = oxygen and nirogen. Solid particles = minerals and Organic matter
  • Pore space = air and water. Solid particles = minerals and Organic matter
  • Pore space = oxygen and water. Solid particles = minerals and dead animals
1 of 14

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2. What nutrients does Organic Matter largely govern in terms of their abundance in soil?

  • Nitrogenous ions, sulphur, chloride ions and organic acids
  • Nitrogenous ions, Phosphorus, sulphur and organic acids
  • Nitrogenous ions, Iron, fulvic acid and carbon

3. If the soil closely resembled the parent bedrock what environment was it likely to form in?

  • Lack of weathering along with Dry conditions
  • Cold and Dry
  • Hot and Dry

4. What are the basic characteristics of the Air constituent?

  • Contains all the gases in the soil, is needed for respiration by the Biota in soil and is held in pore spaces or within the humus (SOM).
  • Is pure oxygen in the soil and so is used for respiration by the Biota in soil and is held in pore spaces or within the humus (SOM).
  • Contains every elemental gas, and is needed for respiration by the Biota in soil and is held in pore spaces or within the water (dissolved)

5. Which answer best describes how water can be retained well within humus?

  • Humus has a charged surface attracting water molecules due to the charged ions in the solution and humus itself
  • Humus has a charged surface attracting water molecules and holds them in place with that electrostatic attraction
  • The water is held strongly around humus particles due to the electrostatic attraction between the particles and polar molecules in the water.


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