sociology mass media

the way media focuses public attention on particular issues +probs - may influence what we think but not tell what to think. through discussing some issues and leaving out others-influence over political views
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Way in which the news-media outlines boundaries of behavior. Behavior/views of some groups/organisations presented positively E.G asylum-s = scroungers & Fire fighters = posotive
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Program controllers, editors, journalists & owners - decide what to covers and present - ` open gate` for certain issues and `close the gate` for some issues - therefore Gate.K are in strong positions to set the agenda.
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Events, issues & personalities media think is `newsworthy` - that they think their audience will find interesting or topical.
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News-papers exists as businesses & operate to make profit - profit motive will have an influence on content - press gate keepers will consider possible stories in terms of whether they are likely to achieve big-circulations
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they are an important source of revenue for N.P. advertisers may have an influence on content in so far as they could withdraw their business if they disagree with a papers stand on a particular issue.
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Legal constraints
Complaints of media content handled by OFcom, deals with complaints about editorial content of N.P & magazines. - media is also subjected to Laws of Libels, preventing publication of false statement that damage a persons rep.E.G Kerry.K(libels-court)
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Legal constraints 2
During national emergencies & wars, gov have attempted to influence media-cov - during Iraq war - (2003) row broke out between brit gov & BBC - gov complain lack of support of war - BBC director claim the gov tried to intimidate the BBC in reporting.
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Card 2


Way in which the news-media outlines boundaries of behavior. Behavior/views of some groups/organisations presented positively E.G asylum-s = scroungers & Fire fighters = posotive



Card 3


Program controllers, editors, journalists & owners - decide what to covers and present - ` open gate` for certain issues and `close the gate` for some issues - therefore Gate.K are in strong positions to set the agenda.


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Card 4


Events, issues & personalities media think is `newsworthy` - that they think their audience will find interesting or topical.


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Card 5


News-papers exists as businesses & operate to make profit - profit motive will have an influence on content - press gate keepers will consider possible stories in terms of whether they are likely to achieve big-circulations


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