Sociology Family and household key terms

 The ratio within the population of people in non-economically active age groups (children and retired) relative to the size of the poplation of working age

  • Created by: jessica
  • Created on: 07-02-14 20:40
explain what is meant by 'absolute poverty'
lacking the resources to pay for basic necessities of life such as food ,shelther and basic health care
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explain what is meant by 'achieved status'
a position in society which affects the way others view you that is earned at least partly through your own efforts eg: job
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explain what is meant by 'adultist'
biased in favour of the interest or viewpoints of adults at the expense of children
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explain what is meant by 'Ageing population'
a situation in which an increasing proportion of the population in a given country in middle aged or older
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explain what is meant by 'ageism'
the negative sterotyping of people on the basis of their age; eg. the old are often potrayed as vulnerable,incompetent or irrational, and as a burden to society
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explain whayt is meant by 'alienation'
where an individual or group feels socially isolated for example feeling a lack of connection and fufilment at work
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explain what is meant by 'apollonian image of the child'
sees children as being born good but requiring the good aspects of their nature to be coaxed out of the sympathetically
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explain what is meant by 'ascribed status'
A position in society which affects the way others view you, it is not earned but rather something people are born that is beyond their control eg: race
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explain what is meant by 'Age-set'
Groups of people of a similar age, who have shared status and roles
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explain what is meant by 'bean pole family'
a family in which links between generations, ie grandparents, parents are strong but links with other relations such as aunts, uncle, cousins are weak
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explain what is meant by 'birth rate'
the number of birth per thousand of the population year
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explain what is meant by 'bourgeoisie'
the ruling class in capitalism who own property such as capital, buisnesses and shares
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explain what is meant by 'breadwinner'
the person doing all or most paid work inorder to pay for the expenses of the family
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explain what is meant by 'capitalism/ capitalist society'
a society in which people are employed for wages and buisnesses are set up with aims of making a profit
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explain what is meant by 'cereal packet' imaget of family
The image of the ideal traditional nuclear family, consisting of a heterosexual legally marired couple,with usually no more than two children, a male breadwinner and female housewife.This was featured on the back of corn flake packets in the 1960’s
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explain what is meant by 'child-centred'
A situation in which the interests of children are put before the interest of adults
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explain what is meant by 'chosen families'
groups of people who are treated like and seen as family members even when they are not related by blood or marriage, friends can be seen as chosen families
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explain what in meant by 'chronological age'
the number of years since you were born
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explain what is meant by 'civil partnership'
an act introduced in 2004 which gave homosexual couples legal rights and responsibilities identical to civil marriage heterosexual couples
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explain what is meant by 'class/social class'
groups within society distinguised by their economic social position for example: middle clas, working class and upper class
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explain what is meant by 'cohabitation'
living together in an intimate relationship without being legally married
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explain what is meant by 'confluent love'
love that is not dependent upon partners benefiting from the relationship rather on unconditional devotion eg: a women marrying a man because he has money and can take care of her
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explain what is meant by 'conjugal roles'
The roles played between husband and wife within a marriage with particular reference to the domestic division of labour
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explain what is meant by 'death rate'
the number of deaths per thousand of the population rate
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explain what is meant by 'demographic revolution'
a situation in which fertility rates and death rates decline as people come to expect lower rates of infant mortality and therefore have fewer children
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explain what is meant by 'dependency ratio'
The ratio within the population of people in non-economically active age groups (children and retired) relative to the size of the poplation of working age
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explain what is meant by 'developmentalism'
the view that childhood consists of a series of stages in which children develop progressively
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explain what is meant by a 'dionysian image' of the children
the idea that children persue their own desires which lead them to acting in a rebelous way
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explain what is meant by 'disengagement'
the gradual withdraw of people from social roles for example older people when they retire
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explain what is meant by 'division of labour'
the way in which jobs are divided up between two people in the house hold, feminist argue that there is a clear division of labour between men and women joint conjugal roles
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explain what is mean by 'dispersed extended family'
kin who keep in touch with eachother but are geographically spread out so they very often seen eachother
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explain what is meant by 'divorce'
an act introduced in 1969 allowing legal end of marriage
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explain what is meant by 'divorce rate'
the number of peple who get divorced per thousand married people in the population
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explain what is meant by 'domestic abuse'
violent or agressive behaviours towards partners which includes:physical, sexual, emotional or finacial
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explain what is meant by 'domestic labour'
work done within home such as housework and childcare
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explain what is meant by 'dominant framework'
difference between childhood and adulthood which sees them as opposites and believes that children have not yet attained the key chracteristics necessar for them to become full persons
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explain what is meant by 'dual earner families'
families in which both partners are in paid employment
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explain what is meant by 'dysfunctional families'
families which do not function well for family members or in fulfilling social roles eg they fail to socialise children inadequately
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explain what is meant by 'economic function'
the role of the family in providing food, shelter and the ability to comsume products for its members
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explain what is meant by 'educational function'
the role of the family in providing a stable environment in which children can be socialised into the culture of their society
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explain what is meant by 'emotion work'
the time and effort involved thinking about and acting to produce the emotional well-being and happiness of others
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explain what is meant by an 'empty-shell' marriage
A marriage where the partners continue to live together but the emotional attachment and sexual relationship have come to an end
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explain what is meant by 'ethnic group'
A group within a population regarded by themselves or by others as culturally distinctive; they usually see themselves as having a common geographical origin
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explain what is meant by 'extended family'
a wider family that includes parents, children and other relatives such as aunts, uncle and grandparents
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explain what is meant by 'extended kinship network'
the interrelationships between people related by blood or marriage regardless of whether they live together
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explain what is meant by 'familistic gender regimes'
set of government policies which support nuclear families in which husbands are the main breadwinners and wives do most of the domestic work
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explain what is meant by 'family diversity'
the growth of variety in the structure and nature of family types
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explain what is meant by 'dependency culture'
where people assume that the state will support them, rather than relying on their own efforts and taking resposibility for their family.
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explain what is meant by 'expressve role'
the caring nuturing 'homemaker' role in the family,functionalist believe that women are biologically to preform expressive roles but feminist reject this
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explain what is meant by 'female- headed family'
family where the female is the head of the household without an adult male
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explain what is meant by 'fertility rate'
the number of live births per thousand women aged 15 to 44 per year
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explain what is meant by 'free-market'
a system in which businesses can compete with one another without state interference
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explain what is meant by 'friendship network'
groups of friends who interact with one another without living together
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explain what is meant by 'function'
a useful job preformed by an insitution for society
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explain what is meant by 'gender regimes'
sets of policies which make assumptions about the roles of men and women in family life
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explain what is meant by 'gender roles'
the socially excepted behaviour of men and women in a particular society
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explain what is meant by 'geographical mobility'
the movements of people to different regions or countries
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explain what is meant by 'hetronorm'
the belief that sexually intimate relationships should be based on heterosexuality
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explain what is meant by 'household'
a group of people who share the same accommodation
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explain what is meant by 'ideological state apparatus'
parts of society which encourage people to accept the values favoured by ruling class and which help maintained capitalist society
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explain what is meant by 'ideology'
a distorted set of beliefs which favors the interests of a particular social group
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explain what is meant by 'illegitimacy'
children born to unmarried parents/ when a child is born out of wedlock
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explain what is meant by 'individualism'
an emphasis upon the desires or interests of individual people rather than those of wider social groups
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explain what is meant by 'individualistic gender regimes'
sets of social policies which do not assume that husbands and wives will follow traditional roles ( breadwinner and houswwife) which accomodate the choices made by individuals regardless of whether they are male and female
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explain what is meant by 'individualisation'
a process in which the wishes of individuals are seen as more important than the maintenance of traditional norms and values, and the prioritisation of the interests of individuals above those of social groups
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explain what is meant by 'infant mortality'
the number of children dying before their first birthday per thousand of live births per year
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explain what is meant by 'intergenerational'
between generations, eg between parents and children
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explain what is meant by 'intragenerational'
within a generation eg brothers and sisters
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explain what is meant by 'isolated nuclear family'
a nuclear family which is relatively self-sufficient and has few contacts with extended kin
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explain what is meant by 'instrumental role'
the breadwinner or provider role in the family
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explain what is meant by 'joint conjugal roles'
were husbands and wives do some paid work and both do housework and provide childcare
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explain what is meant by 'Kin'
people linked by blood or marriage
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explain what is meant by 'Kinship networks'
Interrelationships between people related by blood or marriage whether or not they live together
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explain what is meant by 'life course'
the development and change in people's lives over a period of time
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explain what is meant by 'life cycle'
the stages of life eg ; child hood, young adult
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explain what is meant by life expectancy
the average age to which a particular group of people are likely to live
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explain what is meant by lone parent family
family consisting of one parent living in a household with one or more children
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explain what is meant by malestream
a male dominated or biased in favour of men
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explain what is meant by 'marital break down'
the ending of marriage whether through divorce, separation or the development of an empty shell marriage
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explain what is meant by 'masculnity'
the behaviour and social roles expected of men in a particular culture
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explain what is meant by 'matrifocal family'
a family headed by the mother where she is not co-resident with the male partner
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explain what is meant by media saturated society
a society in which people's impression of reality is largely shaped by high levels of exposure to mass media
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explain what is meant by neo-conventional family
a traditional nuclear family where the husband and wife do paid work
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explain what is meant by net migration
the difference between the numbers entering and leaving a country
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explain what is meant by nuclear family
a co- resident family of two generations: parents and children
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explain what is meant by organisational diversity
variety in the structure of families eg: lone parent, nuclear and extended
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explain what is meant by patriarchy/ patriarchal
this refers to a system in which men have more power than women and shape how society runs
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explain what is meant by peer group
a group of people with similar status and age to whom you compare yourself and who may exercise influence on your behaviour
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explain what is meant by personal age
how old a person feel rather than how old they actually are
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explain what is meant by population pyramid
a bar chart representing the distribution of the population in in different age groups
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explain what is meant by pluralisation of lifestyle
a process in which people come to live in more varied ways rather than sharing similar ways of living
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explain what is meant by pre-industrial society
societies that existed before industrialisation where most products where based upon agriculture
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explain what is meant by primary relationships
the most important and emotionally charged personal relationships eg: between parents and children
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explain what is meant by primary socialization
the first stage of the process through which children learn the culture of their society, this takes place in the family
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explain what is meant by reconstituted family
a family that include members from previous families which have broken up but come together as two new partners form a relationship
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explain what is meant by reproduction function
the function of the family in ensuring that children are reproduced to enable the survival of society
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explain what is meant by ruling class
the group who are dominant in society by virtue of their wealth and power
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explain what is meant by separation
a termination of cohabitation of husband and wife either by mutual agreement or in court (legal seperation), although they are still legally married .
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explain what is meant by social construction
a behaviour or practice which is produced by society even though it may seem natural or biological
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explain what is meant by social mobility
the movement of people between social groups, especially social class
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explain what is meant by socialisation
the process through which a person learns the culture of their society
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explain what is meant by stabilisation of adult personalities
the role of family in maintaining the psychological health of adults by providing warmth and security and allowing them to act out childish elements in their personality
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explain what is meant by subject class
the group in society dominated by the ruling class whim they have to work for because they lack the property to produce goods for themselves
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explain what is meant by symmetrical family
a family in which both husband and wife do paid employment and both do some housework and provide childcare
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explain what is meant by triple shift
the 3 types of work which create a burden for women this includes paid, domestic and emotion work
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explain what is meant by welfare state
agencies run or financed by the government to provide for the well-being of members of society such as education, health and social services
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explain what is meant by working class
people who do manual jobs which require relatively few qualifications and are usually less well paid than middle-class jobs
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


explain what is meant by 'achieved status'


a position in society which affects the way others view you that is earned at least partly through your own efforts eg: job

Card 3


explain what is meant by 'adultist'


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


explain what is meant by 'Ageing population'


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


explain what is meant by 'ageism'


Preview of the front of card 5
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