Sociology - Functionalist's view on Crime and Deviance

What do functionalists think society is based on?
Value consensus
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What is value consensus?
Members of society sharing a common culture
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To functionalists, what are the two mechanisms to achieve solidarity?
Socialisation and Social control
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How does socialisation create social solidarity?
Instils the shared into its members. Individuals internalise same norms and values, know how to act and behave within that society
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How does social control create social solidarity?
Rewards for conformity and punishments for deviance
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How might we expect functionalists to regard crime and deviance?
Wholly negative
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Why might functionalists see crime and deviance as wholly negative?
Creates a threat to social order
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What is functionalists contrasting view?
They see crime as inevitable and universal - Durkheim (1893) 'crime is integral part of all healthy societies'
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What are the reasons why crime and deviance are found in all societies?
- Not everyone is equally effectively socialised into shared norms and values. Individuals are prone to deviate - In modern cities (especially) there has been an increase in diversity of lifestyles and values
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What is anomie or normlessness?`
The rules governing behaviour become weaker and less clear-cut
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Why is anomie/normlessness occuring?
Modern societies have a complex, specialised division of labour, leads to individuals becoming increasingly different from one another
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Why is anomie/normlessness effect society?
Weakens the shared shared culture or collective conscience and results in higher rate of deviance
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What are the two main positive functions of crime? (in view of Durkheim)
Boundary maintenance, Adaptation and change
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Card 2


What is value consensus?


Members of society sharing a common culture

Card 3


To functionalists, what are the two mechanisms to achieve solidarity?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How does socialisation create social solidarity?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How does social control create social solidarity?


Preview of the front of card 5
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