
  • Created by: JessC2001
  • Created on: 31-01-20 12:44

1. What did Mulvey say

  • Formal and informal socialisation
  • Male gaze - camera eyes up female characters, encouraging viewers to assess their bodies from a male perspective
  • Boys called girls slags whereas promiscuous boys are congratulated
  • Canteen culture
1 of 9

Other questions in this quiz

2. What allows people to resist norms/values of mainstream society?

  • Media
  • Peer groups
  • Education
  • Religion

3. What allows youth subcultures?

  • Religion
  • Media
  • Peer groups
  • Education

4. Violence in media can lead to

  • Copycat acts
  • Resocialisation
  • No copycat acts
  • Informal socialisation

5. What are the 5 agents of socialisation

  • Peer group, education, media, religion, workplace
  • Peer group, family, education, religion, workplace


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