Social Learning Theory

  • Created by: FatCat3
  • Created on: 20-10-22 09:51
which sociologists is associated with this topic?
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how does he claim set can effect agg?
through operant conditioning which involves observational learning (modelling) and positive and negative reinforcement
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how can this maintain?
through imitation
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what are the 5 main cognitive factors/meditational processes?
Attention- person has to pay attention to the ac6s of the role model while being aggressive
Retention- ability to store this info in LTM and retrieve this info
Production- need the physical abilities to reproduce-
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-the agg acts which can be imitated ie superhero powers cant be imitated
motivation- must expect a reward/P.R for agg act
Self-efficacy- individuals have to have self belief and be confident in displaying behaviour
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what did Bandura suggest?
he believed agg in the form of family members was the most prominent source of modelling ie watching DV growing up can lead to V.R and agg behaviour as its a 'script' to guide behaviour
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name the evaluations
+Bandura, 96 children watched agg acts; 1.filmed agg role model, 2.agg cartoon character rm, 3.real agg rm, 4. no agg rm and found cartoon has highest no of acts at 99 after being allowed to play w a bobo doll (after watching agg acts) where as-
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-the control group had the lowest at 54 (+matched pairs design so this removes individual differences)
-christainson found in Kungsan tribe of Kalahari desert, agg behaviour is very rare, physical-
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-punishment on children isn't used, no cultural norms of agg, no children see agg but adults may display minimal agg acts ie swearing in later life, so they learn agg in other ways
-cant explain reactive agg ie jealousy, pain or-
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-loneliness, therefore agg may be better explained by FAH explanation
-nature vs nurture- sees behaviour as environmentally determined but some behaviour might be innate
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Card 2


how does he claim set can effect agg?


through operant conditioning which involves observational learning (modelling) and positive and negative reinforcement

Card 3


how can this maintain?


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Card 4


what are the 5 main cognitive factors/meditational processes?


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Card 5


continuing previous card


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