Evaluating the social learning theory


Evaluating the social learning theory


  • Cognitive factors - SLT recognises cognitive factors as important. People use information they’ve seen or learned to make judgments about others or situations. This is beneficial as it allows for a comprehensive understanding of learning, and includes mediational  processes
  • Real world applications - able to explain cultural differences in behaviour. This increases the value of the approach.


  • Countering cognitive factors - does not reference biological factors. Relies on nurture, rather than nature. This limits the effectiveness of SLT.
  • Lab studies - findings may be subjected to demand characteristics from participants. In the Bobo doll study, the children may have just copied behaviour as they thought that was what was expected of them. This limits SLT as it means that children may learn in different ways than we understand.


The social learning theory is effective at understanding why people behave why they do. However the lack of reference to biological factors and the impact individuals make on their environment means that this approach is not complete. 


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