Social learning theory

What is social learning theory now known as?
Social cognitive theory
1 of 10
What is necessary for social learning?
A model
2 of 10
How do people learn according to SLT?
Imitation from others
3 of 10
Who are people more likely to mimic from?
Those who they associate with
4 of 10
What encourages imitation?
Observing positive consequences from that behaviour
5 of 10
What did Bandura conduct experiments on?
Children observing adults and then replicating their behaviours
6 of 10
Who can a model be?
A parent, teacher, or fictional role model
7 of 10
What are the benefits of a model
Information can be learned much faster using one
8 of 10
What is one way someone can identify with a model
Gender, Age, relations, aspirations
9 of 10
What did aggressive behaviour from the adults cause?
Aggressive behaviour displayed in the children
10 of 10

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Card 2


What is necessary for social learning?


A model

Card 3


How do people learn according to SLT?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Who are people more likely to mimic from?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What encourages imitation?


Preview of the front of card 5
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