Social Learning Theory

What is the Social Learning Theory?
A way of explaining behaviour that includes both direct and indirect reinforcement, combining learning theory with the role of cognitive factors.
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What does SLT assume?
That learning can occur without a change in behaviour and Cognition (thinking) plays a role in learning.
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What did Albert Bandura believe?
He believed that Classical and Operant Conditioning ignore the 'inner self' and suggests that we need a more complex explanation of behaviour.
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What is Vicarious Reinforcement?
Reinforcement that is not directly experienced but occurs through observing someone else being reinforced for a behaviour.
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What are the 4 Meditational Processes?
Attention, Retention, Motor Reproduction and Motivation.
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a) What is Attention?
To what extent does one notice a behaviour?
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What is Retention?
How well can one remember a behaviour?
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What is Motor Reproduction?
One's ability to perform a behaviour
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What is Motivation?
Does one have the will to perform a behaviour?
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What are the 4 key concepts of SLT?
Imitation, Identification, Modelling and Vicarious Reinforcement
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What are the effects of Modelling on behaviour?
Modelling teaches new behaviours and it may encourage previously forbidden behaviours.
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Name one experiment that uses SLT to explain behaviour
The Bobo Doll Study : lab experiment, showed that boys are more aggressive than girls
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What are 2 strengths of SLT?
1. Successfully explains the initiation of certain behaviours. 2. Takes thought processes into account so provides a more comprehensive explanation of behaviour.
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What are 2 limitations of SLT?
1. SLT sees behaviour as environmentally determined but some behaviours may be inborn/natural. 2. SLT emphasises importance of thought processes but does not actually explain theses cognitive processes.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What does SLT assume?


That learning can occur without a change in behaviour and Cognition (thinking) plays a role in learning.

Card 3


What did Albert Bandura believe?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is Vicarious Reinforcement?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are the 4 Meditational Processes?


Preview of the front of card 5
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