Social Influence; Conformity to Social Roles - Zimbardos Research

Zimbardo's Research - Procedure
Mock prison in uni, emotionally stable volunteers, randomly assigned roles. Realistic arrest, regulated daily routines. Guards had complete control over prisoners, had to follow 16 rules.
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Zimbardo's Research - Findings
Stopped after 6 days instead of 14. Guards took on their roles well, prisoners rebelled e.g headcounts. Prisoners were depressed. 3 were released by day 4. One went on hunger strike, put in the hole and force fed. Guards were aggresive enjoying power
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Zimbardo's Research - Conclusions
Showed power of situation to influence behaviour, all conformed to their roles.
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Evaluation - Control
Some control over variables e.g selection of emotionally stable participants and random allocation to roles trying to rule out individual differences. Increases internal validity.
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Banuazizi and Mohavedi - Lack of Realism
Simply play acting rather than conforming, based on stereotypes e.g brutal character from Cool Hand Luke. Explains why prisoners rioted. But quantitative data showed 90% of convo was about prison life and viewed the prison as real increasing validity
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Fromm - Role of Dispositional Influences
Accused Z of exaggerating power of situation and minimising role of personality factors (dispostional influences). A third of guards acted brutally, another third applied rules fairly, other third sympathised with prisoners e.g offering cigarettes.
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Card 2


Zimbardo's Research - Findings


Stopped after 6 days instead of 14. Guards took on their roles well, prisoners rebelled e.g headcounts. Prisoners were depressed. 3 were released by day 4. One went on hunger strike, put in the hole and force fed. Guards were aggresive enjoying power

Card 3


Zimbardo's Research - Conclusions


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Card 4


Evaluation - Control


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Card 5


Banuazizi and Mohavedi - Lack of Realism


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