Other questions in this quiz

2. What does Cameron, 2006 address surrounding social inclusion

  • Because it has never been defined in any other way, all texts use this definition as a given- now deeper analysis can be done
  • There are a series of processes before individuals gain social inclusion

3. What is the Maori perspective and how does it differ to western thought?

  • They do not see 'nature' and society as two seperate groups and as such have a preservative and respectful relationship with nature
  • They see nature and society as two distinct groups like western ideology, however treat it with respect to ensure it continues to reap benefits

4. Who looked at groups that are usually overlooked as a different way of looking at social exclusion?

  • Hubbard, 2009- particularly the dis/abled
  • Hubbard, 2008- particularly students
  • Hubbard, 2008- particularly the dis/abled
  • Hubbard, 2009- particularly students

5. Why have communities been studied by social geographers?

  • They fall on the spectrum of group sizes, individuals, communities, societies and nation states
  • You can see individual characters within them
  • They allow full analysis of peoples mindsets


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