Social Cognition

What is social cognition?
cognitive processes that mediate social interactions.
1 of 16
What is a theory of mind?
The awareness that other people have their own desires, beliefs and interpretations of the world, and that the desires, beliefs and interpretations of others may differ from ours
2 of 16
Sally-Anne Task: where do 3 years olds look?
3 of 16
Masangkay et al: findings?
4 years children realise others view may be different.
4 of 16
Peskin (1992): What age can children decieve puppet?
5 years. 4 years with improvement.
5 of 16
Clements & Perner (1994): What 3 years do?
B, but look at A
6 of 16
When are improvements in ToM?: Wang et al. 2016
8-10 years
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What is SES related to?
8 of 16
What improves FBU?
Mind related talk
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What did Hughes and Cutting find?
67% heritability
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Children who have a higher ToM tend to be
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What is autism?
A spectrum of neurodevelopmental conditions, characterised by difficulties in the development of social relationships and communication skills, in the presence of unusually strong narrow interests, repetitive behaviour, and difficulties in coping with une
12 of 16
How many people are affected by autism?
1 in 100
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What did Baron Cohen find with autism and sally anne task?
Children with autism
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Autism and Deception
Children with autism successful in sabotage condition but fail to come up with strategy for deception condition.
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Can people with Autism lie?
They can lie, but not maintain it.
16 of 16

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Card 2


What is a theory of mind?


The awareness that other people have their own desires, beliefs and interpretations of the world, and that the desires, beliefs and interpretations of others may differ from ours

Card 3


Sally-Anne Task: where do 3 years olds look?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Masangkay et al: findings?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Peskin (1992): What age can children decieve puppet?


Preview of the front of card 5
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