Social Class: Attitudes to Education

  • Created by: LDOakes
  • Created on: 31-05-22 13:36
How does Sugarman (1970) explain class differences in educational achievement?
Differences in how different social classes are socialised into different subculures
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What are differences in socialisation between social classes?
Norms, values and attitudes towards educaiton often linked by manual and non-manual occupations
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How do middle class parents feel about education?
More optimistic, individualistic and focused on deferred gratification/future-time oritentation. Value education highly.
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How do working class parents feel about education?
More fatalistic, preferring immediate gratification/present-time orientation and a sense of collectivism. Place less value on education.
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Who used data from the British Cohort Study and the National Child Development Study to find a link between social class and educational achievement?
Leon Feinsten (2003)
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What did Leon Feinstein (2003) argue limited the educational achievement of the working class?
Poor school quality, lack of parental education and material deprivation
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What did Leon Feinstein (2003) agree with that Douglas (1964) had also agreed on?
Parental support is the biggest factor in determining educatinoal success.
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Who argued that social classes have different 'value systems' that explain educational achievement?
Hyman (1967)
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Which social class places a higher value on education?
Middle class
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How would Hyman (1967) argue the working class limit their own opportunities?
The working class value lower status manual jobs more for their security and stability, unlike the middle class who seek to take more risks to achieve higher status professional jobs.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are differences in socialisation between social classes?


Norms, values and attitudes towards educaiton often linked by manual and non-manual occupations

Card 3


How do middle class parents feel about education?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How do working class parents feel about education?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Who used data from the British Cohort Study and the National Child Development Study to find a link between social class and educational achievement?


Preview of the front of card 5
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