Skye Waulking Song - Capercaillie

Celtic Fusion

What is this piece an example of?
Celtic fusion
1 of 7
What does 'waulking' mean?
the process of pounding tweed cloth against wooden board, in order to soften it and make it more airtight
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Why would the woman sing waulking songs?
To move the cloth in time with each other and enliven their work.
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The songs would usually be call-and-response, what does this mean?
The call was sung by a solo singer and the response was by everyone else
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What album does this song from from?
5 of 7
When was the album released?
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What has the text been taken from?
A long lament called 'Joh, Son of the King of Ireland'
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Card 2


What does 'waulking' mean?


the process of pounding tweed cloth against wooden board, in order to soften it and make it more airtight

Card 3


Why would the woman sing waulking songs?


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Card 4


The songs would usually be call-and-response, what does this mean?


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Card 5


What album does this song from from?


Preview of the front of card 5
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