Simons and Chabris' Study of Inattentional Blindness

What was the Research Method?
Laboratory Experiment
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How many observers? were recruited and used?
228, 192
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What was the sampling method used?
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What was in the video?
Two teams of 3 players each, one with white t-shirts and one with black t-shirts. They passed a basketball to those in their own team.
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What was the experimental design?
Independent groups
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How long did the videos last?
75 seconds
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How was the non-opaque condition created?
The players and unexpected event were filmed separately, then the unexpected event was superimposed onto the players video, and the video was made translucent
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What was the design, and what were the total number of possible combinations?
2x2x2x2 16
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What % noticed and failed to notice the unexpected event?
54% noticed, 46% failed to
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What % noticed the similar unexpected event compared to % who noticed the non-similar unexpected event
65%, 44%
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What type of data was collected?
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How valid was the study?
It lacked ecological validity, as the events used are unlike those in real life, and life isn't seen through a TV screen
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Card 2


How many observers? were recruited and used?


228, 192

Card 3


What was the sampling method used?


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Card 4


What was in the video?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What was the experimental design?


Preview of the front of card 5
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