Simons and Chabris Study of Inattentional Blindness.

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  • Simons and Chabris's study of Inattentional Blindness(1999)
    • AIM- To investigate the effect of several factors on  Inattentional blindness.
    • METHOD- A laboratory experiment using an independent measures design.
      • PARTICIPANTS- 228 participants that were mainly undergraduate students, and were recruited through a volunteer sample.
        • Participants were offered a candy bar or a fee for taking part.
      • 2X2X2X2 FACTORIAL DESIGN- There were 3 different conditions the first was the umbrella women or the gorilla the second was whether it was opaque or transparent and the third was what colour the participant was to follow black or white.  The fourth condition was if it was the easy or the hard task.
    • CONCLUDE- A significant number of individuals are likely to fail to notice an on-going unexpected event when they are engaged in a primary monitoring task. The ability to detect such an event can be influenced by the complexity of the  monitoring task.
    • ETHICS- There were few ethical issues as the task was simple and all ethical guidelines were followed.
      • DEBREIF-The participants were debriefed about the aim of the experiment as not seeing the gorilla/ umbrella women may have been frustrating.


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