Other questions in this quiz

2. What were the Limitations of this Study

  • -Hard to replicate, there was a small sample size, artificial task as pps were asked Q's in scanner therefore it was ecologically invalid
  • -Easy to find participants
  • -Not everyone gave permission

3. What was the AIM of the Study

  • to determine the potential role of biological factors on FBM
  • to see whether two plane's can crash into each other
  • to determine what made a persons memory return
  • to distinguish the difference between long term memory and flashbulb memory

4. What were the strengths of this Study

  • -Easy to spot the cause and effect, FMRI established clear biological evidence
  • -it was hard to replicate
  • -People were able to find the person who flew the plane

5. What was the IV of the experiment?

  • What they saw
  • if they recorded it
  • How close the participants were to the World Trade Centre
  • Memory


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