Separating mixtures

  • Created by: Tahmena
  • Created on: 18-12-16 21:21
What is an element? Give an example.
The simplest form of an atom. Hydrogen.
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What is a compound? Give an example.
When 2 or more elements are chemically joined. Carbon dioxide.
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What is a mixture? Give an example.
When elements and compounds are in the same container but are not chemically joined. Sand and stones.
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What is soluble mean?
A substance that has dissolved in a solvent.
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What is insoluble?
It is a substance that will not dissolve in a solvent.
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What is a solvent?
A liquid that something can dissolve in.
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What is a solute?
A substance that will dissolve in a solvent.
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What is a solution?
A mixture of solute dissolved in a solvent.
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What is the solute and the solvent in black tea?
The solvent is the tea itself and the solute is the tea leaves.
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How does temperature effect solubility?
The more higher the temperature the slower a solute dissolves in a solvent and the solubility increases.
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What does the word saturated mean?
It is when no more solid will dissolve.
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How can you tell it has stopped dissolving?
The molecules were all hard and it showed the copper sulphate crystals couldn't be dissolved any more.
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What would happen if you left copper sulphate crystals for 2 days with no lids?
You would be able to see copper sulphate crystals and the volume would get less.
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If you had another dish of copper sulphate solution and it had a lid on it what would the lid do to it?
Having a lid over the copper sulphate solution would: stop the evaporation from happening and more of the solution will be left. Also The copper sulphate solution will not be present meaning it wont form any crystals. The sun will be able to absorb.
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What is the boiling and freezing point of water?
100 degrees celcius
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What is the name of the colourless liquid collected in the test tube in a Leibig condenser?
Pure water.
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By using change of state what would be the process in distillation?
Evaporation the condensation.
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Does filtration separate a solute from a solution? Explain your answer.
Yes, when a solute mixes into a solvent and you add the solute and solvent in a filter the solute passes through leaving the solvent.
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Explain why it is important to use pencil instead of pen when you are drawing your line and crosses in your chromatogram.
Because pen ink will smudge and it will be hard to see the results whereas pencil doesn't.
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Some pens don't work with water in chromatograms. Ellie used Ethanol instead and it worked.Why?
The ink didn't dissolve in water but it would with ethanol.
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How can you compare a chemical with different inks to see if it is the chemical or not?
By how far it has travelled, the colour of the ink and how heavy or light the ink is.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is a compound? Give an example.


When 2 or more elements are chemically joined. Carbon dioxide.

Card 3


What is a mixture? Give an example.


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is soluble mean?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is insoluble?


Preview of the front of card 5
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