Year 7-Chem- Particles and Separation Techniques

  • Created by: JHanson
  • Created on: 01-11-18 11:36
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  • Particles and Separation Techniques
    • Top 5 Definitions
      • Solution
        • A mixture of a solute dissolved in a solvent.  All parts of the mixture are the same.
      • Solute
        • The solid or gas that is dissolved in a liquid.
      • Filtration
        • A way of separating pieces of solid that are mixed with a liquid or solution by pouring through filter paper.
      • Solvent
        • A substance, normally a liquid, that dissolves another substance.
      • Distillation
        • A technique that uses evaporation and condensation to obtain a solvent from a solution.
    • Define solids, liquids and gases using particle diagrams
      • Liquids
        • A state of matter where the particles are quite densely packed but not as much as a solid.  The particles can be separated and compressed but only to an extent.  The particles can flow.
      • Solids
        • A state of matter where all the particles are densely packed and can only be compressed slightly.
      • Gases
        • Gas particles are very far apart and can be compressed.  The particles move around freely.
    • Other Key Words
      • Chromatogra-phy
        • A technique to separate mixtures of liquids (which are sometimes coloured) that are soluble in the same solvent.
      • Dissolve
        • The complete mixing of a solute with a solvent to make a solution.
      • Pure Substance
        • A single material with no other substances mixed in to it.
      • Saturated Solution
        • A solution in which no more solute can dissolve into it.
      • Solubility Curve
        • A graph showing the change in solubility of a substance with temperature.
      • Soluble (insoluble)
        • A soluble substance can dissolve in a given solvent.  An insoluble substance cannot dissolve in a given solvent.


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