SEM2: Abdo I

what are the palpable landmarks of abdominal superior border
xiphisternal joint, xiphoid process, costal marginal
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what are the palpable landmarks of abdominal inferior border
iliac crest, asis, pubic symphysis, inginual ligament
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what are the soft tissue landmarks for the abdomen
tendinous intersections, umbilicus, linea alba, external oblique, rectus abdominus, linea semilunaris
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what is the first layer of the abdominal wall
superficial fascia
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what is the second layer of the abdominal wall
rectus sheath and external oblique
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what is the third layer of the abdominal wall
external oblique and rectus abdominus
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what is the fourth layer of the abdominal wall
posterior rectus shealth, internal oblique, external oblique, transverse abdominus
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what is camper's fascia
fatty layer continuous with superficial fascia of the thigh, superficial fascia of the penis and dartus fascia or peritenoum and labia majora
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what is scarpa's fascia
membranous layer continuous with fascia lata of the thigh, superficial ligaments of the penis and colles' fascia or peritenoum and labia majora
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what is the extravasation of urine?
when a ruptured urethra causes blood and urine in the superficial perineal space, scrotum and lower anterior abdominal wall
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what is the origin and insertion of the external oblique
origin: external surface of ribs 5-12, insertion: linea alba, pubic tubercle anterior iliac crest
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what is the origin and insertion of the internal oblique
origin: thoracolumbar fascia, medial aponeurosis, anterior 2/3rds of iliac crest, connective tissue deep to inguinal ligament. insertion: inferior border of ribs 10-12, linea alba, pubis bone via conjoint tendon
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what is the innervation of the external oblique
thoracoabominal n. (T7-11) and subcostal n.
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what is the innervation of the internal oblique
thoracoabominal n. (T7-11), subcostal n., iliohypogastric (L1) and ilioingiunal (L1)
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what is the action of the external oblique
compresses and supports abdominal viscera, flex and rotate trunk
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what is the action of the internal oblique
compresses and supports abdominal viscera, flex and rotate trunk
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what is the action of the transverses abdominus
compresses and supports abdominal viscera
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what is the action of the rectus abdominus
compresses abdominal viscera, flexion of trunk and tilt of pelvis
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what is the action of the pyramidalis
tenses linea alba
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what is the origin and insertion of the transversus abdominus
origin: internal surface of ribs 7-12, costal cartilage, thoracolumbar fascia, iliac crest and connective tissue deep to lateral 1/3 inguinal ligament. insertion: linea alba, pubic crest and pectin publis
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what is the origin and insertion of the rectus abdominus
origin: pubic symphysis and pubic crest. insertion: xiphoid process, lateral border of ribs 5-7, costal cartilage.
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what is the origin and insertion of the pyramidalis muscle
origin: pubic crest insertion: linea alba
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what is the innervation of the transverses abdominus
thoracoabominal n. (T7-11), subcostal n., iliohypogastric (L1) and ilioingiunal (L1)
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what is the innervation of the rectus abdominus
thoracoabominal n. (T7-11), subcostal n.
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what is the innervation of the pyramidalis
thoracoabominal n. (T7-11), subcostal n.
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what is the rectus shealth
aponeurosi of external oblique, internal oblique and rectus abdominus forming a fibrous compartment that envelopes the rectus abdominus, pyramidalis, superior and inferior epigastric vessels, distal portions of thoracoabdominal n. and lymphatics
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what is the linea alba
interlacing fibres of anterolateral muscles filled with collagen
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how does the rectus shealth change superior
internal aponeurosis splits into anterior laminae (passes anterior to rectus abdominus) and posterior laminae (passes posterior to rectus abdominus)
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how does the rectus shealth change inferior
all aponeurosi pass anterior to rectus abdominu
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what is the blood supply of the rectus shealth.
internal thoracic -> superior epigastric a. anastomoses with inferior epigastric a. superficial epigastric and superficial circumflex iliac
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rupture of which artery causes a rectus shealth hematoma
inferior epigastric
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what is the inguinal ligament
the free border of external oblique running from asis to pubic tubercle
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what is the pectineal/coopers ligament
extension of lacuanar ligament that passes along pectinate pubis
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what is the lacunar ligament
crescent shaped extension of medial fibres of inguinal ligament
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what is the conjoint tendon
lower part of internal oblique and transverse abdominus attached to pubic crest and pectineal line
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what is the function of the inguinal canal in males
allows spermatic cords to pass to and from the testis
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what is the function of the inguinal canal in females
permits the passage of round ligament
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what is the gubernaculum
mesenchymal tissue forming a chord like structure at 7 weeks, which assists in the descent of the testis from the abdomen to the developing scrotum
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what is the process vaginalis
a tubular extension of the peritoneal cavity that herniates through the abdomen in the 2nd to 3rd month
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what are the relations of the gubernaculum
caudal: lateroscrotal fold, cranial: testis/ovary, midpoint: uterus
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what is the deep inginual ring
opening of ingiunal canal, evagination of transversals fascia produced by process vaginalis
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what is the superficial inginual ring
terminal end of inguinal canal forming a triangular opening in the aponeurosis of the external oblique
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what are the relations of the deep inguinal ring
inferior: inguinal ligament between asis and pubic tubercle, medial: inferior epigastric vessels
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what are the relations of the superficial inguinal ring
inferomedial: pubic tubercule
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what is the superior wall of the inginial canal
muscles: internal oblique and transverse abdominus
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what is the anterior wall of the inginial canal
aponeurosis: external and internal oblique
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what is the inferior wall of the inginial canal
ligaments: lacuanate and inginual
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what is the posterior wall of the inginial canal
transverse fascia and conjoint tendon
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from superficial to deep, what's the first layer of the testes and spermatic cord
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from superficial to deep, what's the 2nd layer of the testes and spermatic cord
Skin and subcutaneous fat/membrane
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from superficial to deep, what's the 3rd layer of the testes and spermatic cord
subcutaneous Dartos fascia and muscle, and external oblique
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from superficial to deep, what's the 4th layer of the testes and spermatic cord
External spermatic fascia and internal oblique
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from superficial to deep, what's the 5th layer of the testes and spermatic cord
Cremaster muscle and fascia, trasversali fascia
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from superficial to deep, what's the 6th layer of the testes and spermatic cord
Internal spermatic fascia and peritoneum
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from superficial to deep, what's the 7th layer of the testes and spermatic cord
Tunica vaginalis
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what is the tunica vaginalis
remnant of scrotal process vaginalis
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what are the contents of the inginuinal canal in males
ilioinginuinal n. and spermatic cord
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what are the contents of the inginuinal canal in females
ilioinginuinal n. and round ligament
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what are the contents of the spermatic chord
vas deferens, tunica vaginalis, pampiniform plexus, testicular a., cremasteric a., vas deferens a., genital branch of gentifemoral n. and sympathetic n., lymphatics
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what is the origin and insertion of the round ligament
origin: uterine horns (where fallopian tubes meet uterus). Insertion: labia majora. transverses inginual canal
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what is a direct hernia
protrusion through abdominal wall medial to inferior epigastric a. due to a weakness in abdominal wall and passes through the superficial inguinal ring lateral to spermatic cord
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what is an indirect hernia
protrusion through inguinal canal lateral to inferior epigastric a. due to a patent process vaginalis and passes through the superficial inguinal ring into scrotum/labia
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what is varicocele
pampniform plexus becomes dilated and tortuous = bag of worms appearance
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what is hydrocele
collection of fluid in tunica vaginalis due to an increase in fluid secretion from visceral layer
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testicular torsion
twisting of spermatic cord above its attachment to the testes, which cuts off blood supply
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


what are the palpable landmarks of abdominal inferior border


iliac crest, asis, pubic symphysis, inginual ligament

Card 3


what are the soft tissue landmarks for the abdomen


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what is the first layer of the abdominal wall


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what is the second layer of the abdominal wall


Preview of the front of card 5
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