Inflammation Conditions

HTN, microheamaturia, proteinuria, nephrotic syndrome, oedema, nausea, weight loss, fever, rash, haemoptysis, abdominal pain, sore throat
1 of 15
Explain glomerulonephritis
Damage to the tiny filters inside your kidney, often due to your immune system attacking healthy body tissue. May lead to long term kidney damage.
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Questions: Glomerulonephritis
HTN? (yes) Blood in urine? (no- micro not visible) Ankle swelling? (yes) Nausea? (yes) Weight loss? (yes)
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Risk factors/red flag questions: Glomerulonephritis
Sore throat? resp infection caused it. Weight loss and fever and haemoptysis? caused by cancer. Abdo pain? Caused by GI infection. Butterfly rash and aching joints- caused by SLE. HIV/hepB/hepC- IV drugs.
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Heamaturia, HTN, oedema
IgA nephropathy
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Risk factors: IgA nephropathy
Family history, male, 20-30 years, asian/white/native american, HIV- IV drugs, chronic liver disease.
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Dysuria, urgency, frequency, suprapubic pain, history of UTIs, flank pain, fever, vaginal discharge
Cystitis (UTI)
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Questions: UTI
Frequency, urgency, amount passed, pain on urination, discharge, fever, history of UTI. EMERGENCY- lower back pain? severe fever? nausea?
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Risk factors: UTI
Frequent sex (***), UTI history, catheter, diabetes, pregnancy, older age, spinal cord injuries.
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UTI symptoms plus flank pain, fever, nausea and vomiting
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Diarrhea, bloating, anaemia, abdo pain (after eating), fatigue, weight loss, failure to thrive.
Coeliac disease
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Explain coeliac disease
Coeliac disease is a common digestive condition where the small intestine becomes inflamed and unable to absorb nutrients. Coeliac disease is caused by an adverse reaction to gluten, a dietary protein found in three types of grain.
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Risk factors: Coeliac disease
Family history, type 1 diabetes, down's syndrome, IDB
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Abdominal pain (patient may be able to show the sight), weight loss, early satiety, diarrhoea, GI bleeding (haematemesis +/- malaena), anaemia symptoms
Peptic ulcer
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Risk factors: Peptic ulcer
NSAID use, smoking, family and personal history
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Damage to the tiny filters inside your kidney, often due to your immune system attacking healthy body tissue. May lead to long term kidney damage.


Explain glomerulonephritis

Card 3


HTN? (yes) Blood in urine? (no- micro not visible) Ankle swelling? (yes) Nausea? (yes) Weight loss? (yes)


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Card 4


Sore throat? resp infection caused it. Weight loss and fever and haemoptysis? caused by cancer. Abdo pain? Caused by GI infection. Butterfly rash and aching joints- caused by SLE. HIV/hepB/hepC- IV drugs.


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Card 5


IgA nephropathy


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