SEM 3: Head and Neck III


1. what structures run in the submandibular triangle

  • glands, nodes, facial vessels, anga cervical and hypoglossal n.
  • glands, nodes and facial vessels
  • glands, nodes, facial vessels and vagus n.
  • glands, nodes, facial vessels and hypoglossal n.
  • glands, nodes, facial vessels and anga cervical
  • glands, nodes, facial vessels, anga cervical and vagus n.
1 of 20

Other questions in this quiz

2. what are the borders of the posterior triangle

  • post: inf. belly of omohydoid , sup: mastoid process, midline of neck
  • ant: inf. belly of omohydoid , inf: apex of lung , post: Nuchal line
  • ant: SCM , inf: clavicle, post: trapezius
  • ant: inf. belly of omohydoid , inf: clavicle, post: trapezius
  • post: scalene , sup: mastoid process, midline of neck
  • post: SCM , sup: mastoid process, midline of neck

3. what are the borders of the nasopharynx

  • ant: maxillar post: palatopharyngeal arch sup: cribriform plate inf: tip of uvula (c3-c4)
  • ant: nasal cavity post: muscular wall sup: base of the skull inf: tip of uvula (c1-c2)
  • ant: ethmoidal air cells post: sphenoidal sinus sup: frontal sinus inf: tip of uvula (c2-c3)

4. what are the borders of the occipital triangle

  • sup: hyoid bone med: midline of neck lat: superior belly of omohyoid and SCM
  • lat: ant. belly of digastric inf: hyoid bone med: midline of neck
  • ant: SCM post: Trapezius inf: inf. belly of omohyoid
  • sup: post. belly of digastric lat: SCM inf: sup. belly of omohyoid
  • ant: SCM post: Clavicle sup: inf. belly of omohyoid

5. what are the supra hyoid muscles

  • thyrohyoid, sternohyoid and sternothyroid
  • digastric bellies and geniohyoid
  • thyrohyoid, omohyoid and sternothyroid
  • thyrohyoid, omohyoid, sternohyoid and geniohyoid
  • thyrohyoid, omohyoid, sternohyoid and sternothyroid
  • digastric bellies, omohyoid, sternohyoid and sternothyroid


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