Section 2- Recruitment and selection of employees

  • Created by: molsterxo
  • Created on: 27-01-18 13:49
What is meant by internal recruitment?
This is where a business fills a position by someone who already works within the business. This could be an employee moving departments or an employee gaining a promotion.
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What is meant by external recruitment?
This is where a person is employed who does not currently work within the business.
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List two benefits of internal recruitment.
-Motivates employees as they can see there is room for promotion. -The business already knows how the employee works. -Less training required as employee already knows how the business works.
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List two benefits of external recruitment.
-New ideas and experience to the business. -More candidates to choose from.
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What is meant by job analysis?
Before the recruitment process can start a business must look at the tasks involved in a role. This information will help to write the job description and person specification. This identification of tasks involved in the role is called job analysis.
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Identify the main stages of recruitment and selection.
-Identify the need for an employee. -Write the job description and person specification. -Advertise the position. -Receive the store applications until the deadline date.
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Identify the main stages of recruitment and selection.
-Shortlist candidates who you want to interview by comparing applications to the person specification. -Interview selected candidates. -Some businesses test candidates -Identify the best candidate. Contact them and tells people who didn't get it.
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What is a job description?
This is a document stating information about the duties and tasks that make up a particular job.
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List 4 things which is on a job description.
-The title of the job -The hours and place of work -The main tasks that make up the job -The employees for whom the person will be responsible.
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What is a person specification?
The person specification is a description of the qualifications, skills, experience and knowledge which a candidate must possess to perform the job duties. The specification will be used to help when shortlisting candidates.
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How would a restaurant select the best waitress for the job?
They would look on their cv to see if they have any experience of working in a restaurant. They would test them by asking them to serve a table.
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How would a farm select the best manager for the farm?
They could look at their cv to see if they have any experience of working on a farm. They would look on their cv to see if they have any management experience.
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List two benefits of having an effective recruitment and selection process.
-High productivity -High quality output. -Improved customer service -Staff retention.
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List three employment contracts.
-Temporary employment contract -Permanent contract.
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What is meant by a job share?
This is where two people share a role. For example, at our school two languages teachers share a full time role. They both work 50% of the time.
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What is meant by zero hours contracts?
This is where an employee is not guaranteed paid working hours each week. They may get many hours, or they may get no hours.
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List two benefits to a business of part time employees.
-They are more flexible and are often able to work extra hours each week -They don't have to pay them for full time hours, so it is cheaper per week -They can get part time staff to work busy periods e.g. a Saturday in a salon.
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Explain a benefit of employing full time staff.
They are more knowledgeable on the daily occurrences as they are there full time e.g. any problems which happen on a a Monday, a full time person would know about it, wheres someone who works part time may not have been in at that time. More output.
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List two things a business could do to attract the best candidates.
-Offer fringe benefits such as the use of a company car or health care plan -Offer a competitive salary.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is meant by external recruitment?


This is where a person is employed who does not currently work within the business.

Card 3


List two benefits of internal recruitment.


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


List two benefits of external recruitment.


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is meant by job analysis?


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