Secondary storage

Why is secondary storage required?
Secondary storage is non-volatile, long-term storage. Without it all programs and data would be lost the moment the computer is switched off.
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What are the three main types of secondary storage?
- solid state storage devices e.g USB memory sticks
- optical storage devices e.g CD, DVD, Blu-ray discs
- magnetic storage devices e.g hard disk drives
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What are the advantages of solid state storage?
- Reliable, less susceptible to shock and damage than HDDs as they have no moving parts
- Considerably lighter than HDDs
- Faster access times than HDDs as they don't spin and data can be accessed instantaneously
- Lower power consumption so battery life
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What are the disadvantages of solid state storage?
- Currently more costly per GB than HDDs
- May deteriorate over time and not last as long as HDDs
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What are the advantages of optical storage?
- Cheap to produce
- Easy to send through the post for distribution purposes
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What are the disadvantages of optical storage?
- Can be corrupted or damaged easily by excessive sunlight or scratches
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What are the advantages of magnetic storage?
- Inexpensive, very high capacity, internal drives
- Very reliable
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What are the disadvantages of magnetic storage?
- Not very portable owing to moving parts, so can be damaged when carried or dropped
- Can be corrupted by magnetic fields
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Card 2


What are the three main types of secondary storage?


- solid state storage devices e.g USB memory sticks
- optical storage devices e.g CD, DVD, Blu-ray discs
- magnetic storage devices e.g hard disk drives

Card 3


What are the advantages of solid state storage?


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Card 4


What are the disadvantages of solid state storage?


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Card 5


What are the advantages of optical storage?


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