Science Unit 1 Exam

What do Animal Cells Contain?
It contains The Nucleus, Cytoplasm, Cell Membrane and Mitochondria
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What do Plant Cells contain?
Everything the animal Cell contains except with, a Cell Wall, Vacuole and Chloroplasts. Chloroplasts is where photosynthesis happens.
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True or False: 1. A group of similar cells come together to make an organ. 2. A group of different tissues work together to make an organ. 3. A group of organs work together to make an Organ System.
1. A group of similar cells work together to make a tissue. 2. A group of different tissues work together to make an organ. 3. A group of organs work together to make an Organ System.
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What is an Allele?
An allele is where you can have different versions of the same gene. Scientists use letters to show the alleles that an organism has. Organism = A living thing Eg. Human.
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Where are chromosomes found?
They are found in the nucleus.
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What is a gene?
A gene is a short bit of DNA which controls your characteristics. Characteristics are features of a person.
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What happens if both genes are dominant?
Then the dominant characteristic will be shown.
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what happens if both genes are recessive?
Then the recessive characteristic will be shown.
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What happens if you have one gene recessive and one gene dominant?
Then the dominant characteristic will be shown. Dominant over recessive. E.g - Bb
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Card 2


What do Plant Cells contain?


Everything the animal Cell contains except with, a Cell Wall, Vacuole and Chloroplasts. Chloroplasts is where photosynthesis happens.

Card 3


True or False: 1. A group of similar cells come together to make an organ. 2. A group of different tissues work together to make an organ. 3. A group of organs work together to make an Organ System.


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is an Allele?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Where are chromosomes found?


Preview of the front of card 5
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