Schizophrenia biological therapies Ao1 and Ao3

  • Created by: __Jess
  • Created on: 15-02-23 14:01
How is schizophrenia usually treated?
1 of 12
Which symptoms do typical antipsychotics treat?
Positive symptoms
2 of 12
Which symptoms do atypical antipsychotics treat?
Positive and negative symptoms
3 of 12
How do typical antipsychotics work?
As antagonists in the dopamine system
4 of 12
How do atypical antipsychotics work?
By binding to dopamine, serotonin and glutamate receptors
5 of 12
What is an example of a typical antipsychotic
6 of 12
What is an example of an atypical antipsychotic?
7 of 12
Who found that chloropromazine was associated with better overall functioning and reduced symptom severity compared to a placebo?
Thornley et al
8 of 12
Who found that clozapine was more effective than other typical or atypical antipsychotics?
9 of 12
Who suggested that evidance for antipsychotic efficacy was flawed, due to the sedative effect that comes with them?
10 of 12
Which antipsychotics have side-effects?
All of them, though severity varies
11 of 12
Why is it a problem that antipsychotics are based on the original dopamine hypothesis?
It has been proved as an incomplete explanation
12 of 12

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Which symptoms do typical antipsychotics treat?


Positive symptoms

Card 3


Which symptoms do atypical antipsychotics treat?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How do typical antipsychotics work?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How do atypical antipsychotics work?


Preview of the front of card 5
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