
The strengths and weaknesses of the 3 main sampling methods. Random, Opportunity and Self-selected sampling.

  • Created by: Millie
  • Created on: 31-12-09 15:36

1. Random sampling is when every member of the target population has an equal chance of being selcted.

  • True
  • False
1 of 10

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2. Which is a strength of random sampling?

  • Representitive sample.
  • Easy to do.
  • Quick.
  • Ethical.

3. Which is a weakness of random sampling?

  • Impractical.
  • High economical validity.
  • Unrepresentitve.
  • Biased.

4. Opportunity Sampling is when everyone is asked if they want to be part of the experiment?

  • No. It is when the sample is selected from subjects who are around at the time.
  • Yes. Hats are always used.
  • No. It is when names are put into a hat.
  • Yes. Everyone has the oppurtunity to be part of it.

5. A strength of opportunity sampling is....

  • Unbiased
  • Quick.
  • Representitive.


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