
  • Created by: Ellie
  • Created on: 15-12-14 16:53



  • Random - Unbiased; all members of the target population have an equal chance of being selected.
  • Systematic - Easy and quick to use.
  • Opportunity - Easiest method; just use whoever is there which saves time and money.
  • Volunteer - Access to participants; a large response means many participants and there would be a variety of participants which makes it a more representative method.
  • Stratified - Creates a representative sample because of the equal representation from each sub group.


  • Random - Unrepresentative; some of the sub groups may not be represented which causes issues with generalizability.
  • Systematic - Unrepresentative; some of the sub groups may not be represented which causes issues with generalizability. It also isn't truly random.
  • Opportunity - Unrepresentative; some of the sub groups may not be represented which causes issues with generalizability.
  • Volunteer - Unrepresentative; certain types of people are more likely to apply e.g people with time on  their hands.
  • Stratified - Time/Money; It wastes time and money and can still leave some sub groups out which effects generalizability.


Most psychologists use a volunteer or opportunity sample because it is easy and gives a wide range of participants. However the most ideal sample is Random as there is less biased.


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