
  • Created by: tonisha_
  • Created on: 20-09-21 19:14
What is Salvation?
refers to being saved from sin through belief in Jesus
1 of 25
What is Atonement?
idea that humans are reconciled and forgiven by God
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What else could atonement refer to?
mending of relationship between God and Humanity
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Why does it need mending?
due to it being broken when Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden
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What is Redemption?
how salvation and atonement can be achieved
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What is the role of Christ in Salvation?
Christians believe that through God sending Jesus to Earth, sin of humanity are forgiven
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What is Jesus described as?
perfect and without sin
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What did he offer for humans?
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How did he do this?
through sacrificing his life
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Key Quote

"the stone you builders rejected,______________
which has become the cornerstone"
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There are 4 different understandings of atonement
Jesus' death was a divine what?
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What does this represent?
God's love for humanity
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Jesus's death was a sacrifice, but also a what to God?
an offering
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to mend the broken relationship
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Jesus's death is a victory of what?
good over evil
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How? What was Jesus used as?
a ransom
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How did this stop the devil?
stopped him from having hold over humanity
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Jesu' death also represents what?
the price being paid
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Price being paid for what?
forgiveness of humanity
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Atonement and Salvation is very important
There are four reasons
What is one?
to restore relationship between God and Humanity
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To confirm a belief in a what?
all powerful and all loving God
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It allows humans to what
understand importance of being reconciled with other humans
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It also gives humans what?
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Hope for what?
they will be rewarded in the afterlife
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How will this happen?
if they follow the example of Jesus
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is Atonement?


idea that humans are reconciled and forgiven by God

Card 3


What else could atonement refer to?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why does it need mending?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is Redemption?


Preview of the front of card 5
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