Russian Civil War

Why did Germany get involved in Russia's civil war?
They wanted an end to Bolshevism as they feared, as a capitalist state, that Bolshevism would spread internationally.
1 of 16
The Whites were a political group against the Reds. Were they unified?
No, they did not all share the same political views
2 of 16
Summarise 4 reasons for why the Whites were against the Bolsheviks
-The Bolsheviks seized power with force, they had no real legitimacy to rule
-Some army officers wanted old Tsarist regime back
-Lenin forced the SR's and Kadets out of gov, failed to recruit other peoples opinions
-Inabilility to solve economic issues, l
3 of 16
Give 4 ways which helped Lenin create a one-party state?
-Seperated the church and state
-New Red Army established
-Capital transferred to Moscow
-Closed the constituent assembly
4 of 16
How does closing the constituent assembly make Russia a one-party state?
It removes the Bolsheviks accountability to be democratic, they could rule however they wanted to, no other parties interfere
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How does seperating the Church and the State make Russia a one-party state?
It removes the Church's judicial power and printing so they could control all media and make it bias towards Bolsheviks
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How does creating a new army (Red Army) make Russia a one-party state?
It removes officers who oppose Bolshevism, they only recruited those who were fully devoted to Bolshevism
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How does changing the capital city from Petrograd to Moscow make Russia a one-party state?
It is more central which ensures better communication
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What were some of the Bolshevik's policies?
Athiest Russia, no private property, one party dictatorship, unified party, communism
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What were some of the Whites policies?
Some wanted the Tsar back, removal of Bolsheviks, democracy
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What did the social insurance decree give?
Unemployment, old age and health benefits
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What was the decree on Workers' control of factories?
It gave equality to men and women
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What was the military decree?
Decree that removed class ranks and gave soldiers right to elect their officers
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What was the decree on peace?
Promised end to war
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What was the judicial system?
It established new system of elected courts
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Give 5 things Bolsheviks did to secure power that used force?
-Banned the opposition press (press decree)
-Established the Cheka
-Anti Bolshevik newspaper shut down
-Seperation of church and state
-SR's and Kadets imprisoned
16 of 16

Other cards in this set

Card 2


The Whites were a political group against the Reds. Were they unified?


No, they did not all share the same political views

Card 3


Summarise 4 reasons for why the Whites were against the Bolsheviks


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Give 4 ways which helped Lenin create a one-party state?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How does closing the constituent assembly make Russia a one-party state?


Preview of the front of card 5
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Holomodor-Hugo 🍔


Terrible Resource !!!! Inaccurate and the provenance lacks specific detail..... #Livdivout



i mean this is just class, used this recource and it changed my life, i can honestly say this is a life changing piece of material. thanks liv sons crying.

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