R/S Types of Jews

  • Created by: indiab.13
  • Created on: 05-06-24 17:52
Orthodox Jews
- Try to live as close to the Torah as possible
- 613 Mitzvots (rules and laws) to live by
- Ultra Orthodox dedicate their lives to the Torah
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Liberal Jews
- Fit into modern day thinking
- Choose how to interpret the beliefs of the Torah
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Reform Jews
- Only the ethical laws are binding
- Don’t need to treat Talmud with the same respect as the Torah
- Religion should move along with the times
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Secular Jews
- Torah teaching are not sacred
- Not a movement but proud to be Jewish
- Follows the majority of traditions
4 of 5
Which Jews have similar beliefs?
Reform and Liberal are most likely to think alike due to believing that the customs and laws of the Torah are made to fit with modern day thinking.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


- Fit into modern day thinking
- Choose how to interpret the beliefs of the Torah


Liberal Jews

Card 3


- Only the ethical laws are binding
- Don’t need to treat Talmud with the same respect as the Torah
- Religion should move along with the times


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


- Torah teaching are not sacred
- Not a movement but proud to be Jewish
- Follows the majority of traditions


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Reform and Liberal are most likely to think alike due to believing that the customs and laws of the Torah are made to fit with modern day thinking.


Preview of the back of card 5


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