Revision- process of infection

What is the first step in the process of infection?
1 of 13
where do infectious micro-organisms exist and give 2 examples of these?
reservoirs; contaminated water or animals
2 of 13
What are the 3 ways infectious micro-organisms are transmitted?
Direct contact
Indirectly- through vectors
Direct exposure
3 of 13
How do infectious micro-organisms travel from human to human?
aerosolised micro-organisms transmitted through droplets (coughing and sneezing) and physical contact
4 of 13
what do micro-organisms do after they have deposited into receptive environment?
they stabilise adherence to tissue through specific surface receptors
5 of 13
what is the second stage of the infection process?
6 of 13
what mechanisms do the micro-organisms develop during invasion?
develop mechanisms to penetrate tissue and avoid host's specific and non specific defences
7 of 13
what is the third step of the infection process?
8 of 13
what type of environment is created during multiplication?
warm, nutrient filled
9 of 13
what happens during multiplication?
replicate within infected
cells (viral pathogens); replicate in macrophages &
other cells (bacterial pathogens)
10 of 13
what is the 4th stage of the infection process?
11 of 13
what happens if host has intact immune system?
micro-organism remains localised
12 of 13
what happens if host has immune or inflammatory system compromised?
infection may rapidly spread
13 of 13

Other cards in this set

Card 2


where do infectious micro-organisms exist and give 2 examples of these?


reservoirs; contaminated water or animals

Card 3


What are the 3 ways infectious micro-organisms are transmitted?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How do infectious micro-organisms travel from human to human?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what do micro-organisms do after they have deposited into receptive environment?


Preview of the front of card 5
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