Infection Revision Resource

microorganisms and infection
If a physical protective barrier or flora is compromised, it may cause local infections/invade further/infect organs.
If they damage the intestinal tract, they release intestinal bacteria into the blood stream causing sepsis/shock/death
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Processes of Infection
1. Colonization
2. Invasion
3. Multiplication
4. Spread
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1. Colonization
transmitted via direct contact or indirectly by vestors (insects bites and stings)
-direct exposure-feacal oral transmission through food and water (salmonella)
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2. Invasion
-infectious agents invade surrounding tissues/other sites
-dev. mechanisms to penetrate tissues and avoid hosts nonspecific and specific defenses (inflammation and immunity)
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3. Multiplication
-warm nutrient filled host envrionment
-undergo rapid multiplication and replicate within infected cells (viral pathogens), replicate in macrophages and other cells (bacterial pathogens)
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4. Spread
-produce localized infections without spread to other body regions
-May be highly invasive, entering lymphatics, blood and internal organs
-successful spread relies on virulence factors (adhesion molecules, toxins and protection against hosts inflammatory
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If host host has immune or inflammatory system compromised...
Infection may spread rapidly
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If host has intact immune system...
...Microorganism remains localized
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Clinical Infection Disease Process
1.Incubation Period
2. Prodominal stage
3. Invasion Period
4. Convalescence Period
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1. Incubation Period (interval between exposure to an infectious agent and appearance of first symptoms).
-microorganisms entered individual, undergone colonization and began multiplying.
-yet insufficient numbers to cause symptoms
-may last severals hours, days, years
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2. Prodromal Stage (appearance of initial symptoms which are often mild, feeling discomfort or tiredness)
-Pathogen continues to multiply and host begins to experience general signs and symptoms of illness
-typically, a result of activation of immune system such as fever, pain, soreness, swelling or inflammation
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4. Convalescence Period
(Individuals immune and inflammatory systems have in general successfully removed infectious agent)
Symptoms decline
-HOWEVER, the disease may be fatal or may enter a latency phase (resolution of symptoms until reactivation at another time
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


1. Colonization
2. Invasion
3. Multiplication
4. Spread


Processes of Infection

Card 3


transmitted via direct contact or indirectly by vestors (insects bites and stings)
-direct exposure-feacal oral transmission through food and water (salmonella)


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Card 4


-infectious agents invade surrounding tissues/other sites
-dev. mechanisms to penetrate tissues and avoid hosts nonspecific and specific defenses (inflammation and immunity)


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Card 5


-warm nutrient filled host envrionment
-undergo rapid multiplication and replicate within infected cells (viral pathogens), replicate in macrophages and other cells (bacterial pathogens)


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